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Millions of British people misunderstand that they can get vitamin D through clothes and glass windows – The Sun


Millions of British mistakenly mistakenly say that they can take vitamin D through their clothes while spending time outside the sun as well as wearing sunscreen or sitting indoors in a glass window. I am thinking.

A poll of 2,000 adults found that half knew that vitamin D was “good for you,” but I do not know what it does and how important it is. not.

    Millions of British believe that you can get enough Vitamin D through your clothes
Millions of British believe that you can get enough Vitamin D through your clothesCredit: Getty Images-Getty
    Brits bathe in sun at Bournemouth Beach, Dorset
Brits bathe in sun at Bournemouth Beach, DorsetCredit: PA: Press Association

Also, 74 percent recognize that they can go out in the sun and get vitamin D, but only 36 percent can eat oily fish and get vitamin D.

Others mistakenly believe that you can get usable levels of vitamin D from sunbeds or faux tones.

This study, commissioned by Vitabiotics’ Ultra Vitamin D, also found that 32% of participants were unaware of the vitamins and minerals their bodies needed to function properly.

Get enough

The findings were taken after the NHS encouraged people to take vitamin D supplements. There is a fear that lockdowns may mean that people staying indoors are not getting what they need from sunlight.

Therefore, the UK Department of Health currently recommends that everyone take a daily supplement containing 10 μg vitamin D to help maintain normal bone and muscle function.

Vitamin D also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

A Vitabiotics spokesperson said: “There are still myths and misconceptions about vitamin D-which means that people may not have everything they need.

“In the last two decades, it has become widely understood that vitamin D plays a role in a wide range of areas, from the immune system to muscle function and, of course, strong bones, and our requirements are better than previously understood. Is also much higher. “

Know your vitamins

The study also believes that 1 in 4 believes that British milk is a good source of vitamin D, which is not true because unlike other countries it is not fortified ..

Nearly six-tenths were unaware that during the winter, British sunlight did not contain enough UVB radiation to produce vitamin D.

And 1 in 20 thought they could raise their vitamin levels from a fake sunburn.

One in five falsely believed that only 31% were aware that sunscreen could prevent it from making it, and could get enough vitamin D from sunbeds. It was

Over a quarter believe that when they’re sitting indoors by a closed window, vitamin D will be made by the body, but in reality, the glass blocks the rays needed for this. I am.

Also, to make Vitamin D, 57% did not believe that unclothed skin needed to absorb sunlight.

It was also revealed that half did not know the amount of vitamin D that needed to be changed depending on the skin color.

Immunity up

One in four did not know that vitamins help boost the immune system, but 20% were unaware of their role in the absorption of calcium from the diet.

However, half are worried about vitamin D intake, and 67% of adults admit that some days are out of direct sunlight.

And for a tenth surveyed via OnePoll, this can occur as many as four days a week.

As a result, only 46 percent think they are getting enough vitamin D every day.

Almost half (48%) are consciously trying to raise their vitamin D levels, and four-tenths are aware of it, so lockdowns require them to spend more time indoors than usual. did.

Vitabiotics’ Ultra Vitamin D Spokesman added: “The great promise is that so many people are now taking steps to raise their vitamin D levels.

“The Department of Health is currently recommending that everyone in the UK consider taking supplements, so this positive move to health will continue.”

How well do you know your Vitamin D? Take a quiz Test your knowledge here.

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