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Children’s screen time almost doubled during the pandemic

Children’s screen time almost doubled during the pandemic


A study published on Monday reported that the adolescent spent nearly eight hours a day in front of the screen, doubling the pre-pandemic estimate of nearly four hours a day. JAMA Pediatrics..

The child’s usage time did not include the time spent online for the virtual class. The study focused on recreational activities such as streaming, games, social media, text messaging, video chat, and web surfing.

Dr. Jason Nagata, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of California in San Francisco, said the adolescents who reported more screening time reported suffering in other areas of their lives as well.

“Increased screen time was associated with lower mental health and increased stress in teens,” Nagata said.

About 5,412 adolescents between the ages of 10 and 14 were asked about their screen time habits. Researchers found that children spent an average of 7.7 hours a day in front of the screen. This is an increase from an estimated 3.8 hours a day before the pandemic.

Participants were asked to rank their mental health from “much worse” to “much better” compared to the previous week. They were also asked four questions about their perceived stress, such as “How often did you feel that you were piled up so high that you couldn’t overcome them last month?” rice field.

Dr. Jenny Radeski, a developmental behavior pediatrician and assistant professor of pediatrics at the Michigan Medicine CS Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, said he was not involved in the study.

“Most families wanted to connect with friends through games and social media, or relax by watching videos, to relieve stress during the pandemic,” she said.

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The negative correlation is “Doomscrolling“Mr. Radeski said. It’s when people are scrolling through social media and watching negative news for long periods of time. Longer screen times can also reduce children’s time to participate in activities that “help support resilience during difficult times such as sleep.” “Mindfulness, or physical activity,” she added.

Conversely, participants who reported short screen times were found to have stronger relationships with family and friends and more coping behavior.

The young man was asked about the quality of his relationships with family and friends.They were also given a list of nine coping behaviors such as exercise and exercise. meditation They were then asked to share how much they participated in each activity.

Set screen time limit

Nagata predicted that the higher screen times would not soon disappear as the pandemic subsided.

Academic and social activities are beginning to move face-to-face again, but the increased availability of online options is likely to “screen usage remains higher than pre-pandemic levels.” It means that.

Nagata encouraged adults to set screen time limits for their children and avoid screens before bedtime.

Model device-free behavior

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“Parents also need to set an example by cleaning up their devices during family time and meals and not frequently interrupting their interactions with their children to pay attention to them,” said a Common Sense Media researcher. Senior Director Michael Robb said. I was involved in the research.

According to Radesky, many videos and online games are designed with features that attract users and return daily, such as autoplay and notifications. She said adults can play with their children, determine which particular features are being used, and turn them off.

Adults should focus on ensuring that children complete tasks they need, such as homework and chores, rather than counting the time they spend in front of the screen, Rob recommends. bottom. After they are taken into account, the next focus is on managing screen time.





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