Diabetes Management: Why Weight Loss Is As Important As Blood Sugar, Health News and Top Stories
One in three Singaporeans is predicted to develop diabetes in their lifetime According to the Ministry of Health, this figure will increase to 1 million by 2050.
It sounds alarming, but this situation can be greatly mitigated. In fact, there are several different ways to manage diabetes, the “most correctable risk factor” is to maintain a normal obesity index / weight, and the Endocrinology of the Singapore Medical Group Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrinology Clinic. Says the scholar Dr. Niti Schmishra.
He adds: “The plan was always to treat diabetes first and then deal with weight. However, recent recommendations from major societies target both diabetes improvement and weight management together. need to do it.
“Weight loss is more likely to improve diabetes control. In some cases, it is more likely to relieve diabetes.”
Singapore War with diabetes The campaign is in its fifth year as the government continues to work on chronic diseases that currently affect about 400,000 people here.
Even more worrisome is the increasing number of young people with type 2 diabetes, says Dr. Mishra. Traditionally, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed in people in their 40s and 50s, but he is now looking at a patient as young as 13 years.
“The age incidence of diabetes is declining, which is usually due to a combination of two or three risk factors. Medical conditions, obesity, and a family history of sedentary lifestyles all increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. “He says.
Risk of diabetes
One of the most common reasons for a healthy diet and life is to reduce your chances of getting diabetes. Moreover, diabetes is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease or heart disease.
Dr. Mishra adds that two in three diabetics die of cardiovascular disease. the study It shows that up to 35 percent of patients with heart failure also have diabetes.
Having diabetes doesn’t mean that you will automatically get heart disease, but Dr. Mishra explains that the poorer you manage your diabetes, the higher your risk of getting heart disease. With diabetes, high blood sugar levels can damage the arteries that supply blood to the heart and the muscles of the heart over time, causing heart disease.
Other risk factors such as obesity, an unhealthy diet, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and heavy drinking also contribute to heart disease.
Management of diabetes by weight loss
Recent studies recommend that a weight loss of 15% or more may have an ameliorating effect on people with type 2 diabetes. This is an achievable goal and may lead to recovery from diabetes in the first few years after diagnosis, Dr. Mishra said.
However, he adds that about one in three diabetics do not control their condition well after taking the drug and it is difficult to achieve weight loss.
“Knowledge and socio-economic status play a major role in managing diabetes. The more knowledge you have about diabetes, the better you will be able to deal with it,” he says.
Low-income earners tend to have difficulty managing diabetes, and drug payments may be difficult, he added.
Target weight and blood sugar level
Over the last 5-6 years, a new type of GLP-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA) drug has been introduced to the market that supports weight loss and lowering blood sugar levels.
Traditional diabetes drugs primarily lower blood sugar levels, but they can also gain weight, which can further worsen diabetes control and affect drug compliance.
GLP-1 RA is a drug that stimulates insulin secretion. Dr. Mishra explains: “It improves insulin function, lowers glucagon hormone levels, and raises blood sugar levels in diabetics.”
GLP-1 RA slows gastric emptying, allows food to stay in the stomach longer, acts on specific receptors in the intestines and brain to keep one full, reduces appetite, and helps weight loss.
“Until about a month ago, we had only injectable GLP-1 RA, but due to great scientific advances, we are now using oral contraceptives. Tablets can reproduce the content of the injection. This is the first time and an alternative for patients, “says Dr. Mishra.
Another advantage is that it is considered to protect the heart, especially in the prevention of heart attacks due to obstruction of blood vessels.
In addition, the side effects of GLP-1RA are usually mild. Common side effects include nausea, occasional vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.
However, they are primarily in the early stages when the patient begins treatment. By the end of the month, most patients will not experience any side effects, according to Dr. Mishra.
“GLP-1RA addresses most of the problems associated with weight and diabetes and is highly welcomed as an addition to treatment options for patients with type 2 diabetes, especially those with overweight or obesity,” he adds. ..
“Diabetes is on the rise and weight is the main cause. In addition, 13% of people don’t even know they have diabetes, so manage our health and observe what we eat. But it costs money to change your lifestyle to prevent it from becoming a problem in your later life. “
Dr. Niti Schmishra is a Senior Consultant Endocrinologist at the SMG Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrinology Clinic based at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital. He trained as an endocrinologist at King’s College Hospital in London and worked for many years at the UK NHS before coming to Singapore in 2012.
Educational purposes only – not for promotional purposes of products or services. If you have any health questions or medical concerns, please consult your healthcare professional.
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