Understand thyroid symptoms and manage the thyroid in Ayurveda
The thyroid gland plays an important role in the endocrine system. It produces thyroid hormone to maintain metabolic activity in the body. Many health problems result from an imbalance of thyroid hormones in our body. Thyroid imbalance OjasAyurvedic essence of health, the body is depleted. As a result, people begin to experience chronic fatigue, dullness, and tiredness, resulting in frequent general health problems and weakened immunity.
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Thyroid disease
There are two types of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
First, let’s understand hypothyroidism. With this, the thyroid gland cannot be generated. Therefore, the body receives the required amounts of T3 and T4 hormones. In this situation, a person exhibits the following symptoms:
Sudden weight gain
Decreased interest in daily activities,
Weakens the body’s immune system,
Swelling and cramps in the legs
Difficulty in physical activity
Constipation problem,
Swollen face and eyes
The menstrual cycle becomes irregular,
The skin becomes rough and dry
Voice becomes rough and heavy
The disease occurs between the ages of 30 and 70 in both women and men.
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
So let’s know about hyperthyroidism. This causes the thyroid gland to overproduce the hormone thyroxine, making it more soluble in the blood.
Sudden weight gain
Increased appetite
Can’t stand the heat
Excessive sweating
Muscle weakness
Increased heart rate
Lack of sleep
Monthly emissions increase and become irregular
Hyperthyroidism occurs mainly in women in their 20s.
Ayurvedic home treatment for thyroid
1. Jalkumbhi and drumsticks help improve iodine levels in the body.
2. Dhaniya (Coriander) and jeerak siddha jala help improve recovery from swelling that can be seen in some cases of thyroid problems.
3. Do not eat raw vegetables, especially cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.
4. Vitamin D deficiency can cause thyroid problems. Early morning sun exposure is a good way to treat a deficiency. Outdoor exercise stimulates the thyroid gland, boosts immunity and regulates calcium metabolism.
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5. It is advisable to avoid all forms of processed sugar in the thyroid. It is also recommended to reduce the intake of foods rich in natural sugars.
6. Eat foods rich in vitamin A such as broccoli, spinach, the darkest green leafy vegetables, and fruits like apples and bananas.
7. Ginger helps the thyroid, boil the ginger and drink it like tea.
About the author: Dr. Patapchauhan is a writer, speaker, TV performer and director of Jiva Ayurveda in Ayurveda Charya.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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