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Investigating possible cases of a rare childhood syndrome that may be associated with BC coronavirus


State health official Dr. Bonnie Henry said that at least half a dozen cases of the “Kawasaki-like syndrome” in children potentially associated with the coronavirus were being investigated before BC.

Kawasaki-like syndrome is an inflammatory postviral syndrome that has been reported in some infants during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to Henry, hundreds of Kawasaki-like illnesses have been detected worldwide, especially in areas such as the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States.

Henry emphasized that the disease is rarely seen, but it led to the death of at least three children in the United States.

Dr. Bonnie Henry said a pediatrician at BC Children’s Hospital is investigating the case. (UBC)

“It’s certainly plausible that COVID-19 can cause this in some children,” Henry said.

“There are no known confirmed cases associated with COVID-19 in the state yet, but the study is still ongoing.”

Kawasaki is explained in HealthLink BC As a rare childhood disease that affects blood vessels. It can harm the coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart.

“It’s what we look at very, very carefully,” Henry said.

See | Montreal and New York see inflammatory syndrome in children

After the deaths of three children in New York, questions have been raised about the possible association of COVID-19 with inflammatory syndrome in children. 3:39

Pediatrician on the lookout

Pediatricians and other health care providers across Canada are keeping an eye on children with rare inflammatory conditions as part of their expanded surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In early May, Dr. Teresa Tam, Chief of Health Canada, said clinicians were alerted to reports of a condition called multisystem inflammatory vasculitis or Kawasaki syndrome variant. ..

Canada’s Chief Health Officer, Dr. Teresa Tam, said warnings about the syndrome have been issued to health professionals across the country. (Adrian Wild / Canadian Press)

According to Henry, the condition was reportable in BC and doctors should notify authorities if it is found in a patient.

She said officials were looking backwards until January to find possible cases.

Probably BC. She said she would find some because it occurs with other viral and bacterial infections. It tends to be the season of flu.

She said a pediatrician in BC The Children’s Hospital is investigating the situation.

CBC News asked the hospital for comments, but no immediate reply.

Symptoms include fever and rash

HealthLink BC explains the symptoms of Kawasaki as follows:

  • Fever lasts at least 5 days.
  • Red eyes.
  • Body rash.
  • Swollen, red, cracked lips and tongue.
  • Swollen, red feet and hands.
  • Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck.
  • Irritability.

Other symptoms that may occur include joint pain, diarrhea, low energy, and flaking skin on the limbs.

“Symptoms can be serious for a few days and can look terrifying to parents,” says HealthLink BC. “But then most children return to normal activity.”

HelathLinkBC said parents who suspect their child has Kawasaki disease need medical assistance.

Dr. Tam described some of the symptoms of multisystem inflammatory vasculitis as persistent fever. Abdominal pain; gastrointestinal symptoms including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea; rash and inflammation of the arteries of the heart.

Low risk children

Henry also reiterated that young children appear to be at the least risk of contracting COVID-19, and if they do, they do not seem to suffer that badly.

She said only about 1 percent of the detected cases were children under the age of 10.

Less than 80 patients under the age of 19 were diagnosed with COVID-19. Only three were hospitalized and none received intensive care.

“That’s all good news,” she said.

Not only are children less likely to become infected, she said. Adults are more likely to transmit the virus to their children than other methods.

If you have a COVID-19 related story that affects British Columbians, please email us. [email protected]..

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