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16 new Pierce County coronavirus cases. 1 additional death


Health authorities in Tacoma, WA-Pierce County, Washington, reported 16 new cases of coronavirus associated with COVID-19 and an additional death on Wednesday afternoon. Health officials said the latest patient who died of complications associated with the disease was a Tacoma woman in her 90s who had already had a health problem.

New cases reported on Tuesday included residents of central Pierce County, eastern Pierce County, Edgewood / Fife / Milton, Gig Harbor, Taps Lake / Sumner, Lakewood, Parkland, Purelap and Tacoma. It was

Lab tests have confirmed 1,893 illnesses and 72 deaths in Pierce County since early March. The Health Department said four dead were removed from the official count while working to more reliably determine if the disease directly caused the death in question.

Approximately 1,300 patients have been classified as recovered in Pierce County and 491 remain active. According to the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, nearly 24,200 residents have been tested for coronavirus.

Across the state, the Department of Health added 225 new coronavirus cases and 17 additional deaths to its Wednesday count, bringing official counts to 20,406 illnesses and 1,095 deaths.

According to state data, 6.1% of the tests returned to positive among the 335,801 Washingtonians tested.

Deaths from coronavirus nationwide Over 100,000, According to data from Johns Hopkins University. State-of-the-art modeling at the University of Washington Health Metrics and Assessment Laboratory 131,000 or more Virus-related deaths by early August.

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Keep up with the latest developments:

King County Announces New Data Dashboard

King County public health officials have announced a new real-time dashboard that tracks COVID-19 activity, testing capabilities, and healthcare system readiness.

According to the latest data, Washington’s most populous counties correspond to five of the eight indicators listed in the new system. This includes a lower risk of hospitalization and death associated with the disease. The information provided by the county outlines several categories of state health officials and governor’s office monitors before approving each phase of Washington’s four-part safe-start resumption plan.

read more: King County Releases New Dashboard on Key Coronavirus Indicators

More Washington County Enters Resume Phase 2

The Kittitas, Thurston, and Walla Walla counties are the latest states approved in the state’s second reopening phase, allowing restaurants, salons, and retailers to resume operations directly.

With the latest addition, 24 counties have moved to a new stage after meeting state requirements of less than 10 cases of coronavirus per 100,000 people in 14 days.

After the governor’s order expires on Sunday, it is still yet to be determined exactly what the requirements of the remaining counties will look like. Inslee said Wednesday that all counties are unlikely to reach Phase 2 by June 1 and more specific guidance will be shared in the coming days.

read more: Three additional counties enter Phase 2 of resumption plan

Status Updates “Close Contact” Definition

The Department of Health has updated the official definition of “close contact” with infected persons in line with new guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The new definition classifies a person as a close contact if they are within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes, increasing the minimum time from 10 minutes.

“Our guidance has changed over time as we learn more about COVID-19, and we will do that in the future,” said Dr. Kathy Loffie, State Health Officer. “This update does not change our recommendations for the general public. We continue to urge people to maintain a physical distance to protect themselves and others. ..

Persons identified as close contacts for confirmed COVID-19 patients are advised by the state to self-quarantine and monitor symptoms for 14 days.

A new study found that coronavirus infections declined in western Washington and increased in eastern parts

A new report from the Bellevue-based Institute of Disease Modeling found that progress was made in reducing coronavirus infections in western Washington, some tending to be east of the cascade.

Researchers are monitoring the effective reproductive rate of coronaviruses, a measure of how many on average infected people spread the virus. According to IDM, this trend was largely parallel until the end of last month, with the western part of the state becoming more downward as transmission rates increased on the other side of the state.

The Institute noted that the number of new cases could vary widely between counties, and research into the causes of the inequality is ongoing.

read more: Coronavirus infection is down in the west and up in the west

Updated rules enable outdoor spiritual services, weddings, funerals

More religious service may be resumed in Washington and take effect immediately, under updated rules announced on Wednesday by Governor Jay Insley.

While remote gatherings are still recommended, relaxed restrictions allow up to 100 outdoor services as long as certain precautions such as physical distance and use of face coverings are observed. Become. Currently, in 24 counties in Phase 2, indoor services are allowed with 25% capacity.

The Governor said the organizers are encouraged to maintain a voluntary log of participants for two weeks to assist contact trackers in the event of an occurrence.

read more: Inslee said more religious services could resume in Washington

Boeing announces thousands of jobs cuts in Washington

Boeing is heading to reduce its global workforce by 10%, thus cutting thousands of jobs in Washington. Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun wrote to employees on Wednesday and announced the involuntary dismissal of nearly 7,000 American employees.

About 10,000 jobs in Washington will be lost by August, including employees accepting the final round of layoffs and voluntary acquisitions, according to the Seattle Times.

Boeing noted the long-term economic impact of COVID-19 on airlines, sharply reducing demand for new jets and other services.

Calhoun said the company is in the process of resuming production of the 737 Max at Renton and is aiming to bring the plane back into service by the end of the year.

read more: Boeing cuts thousands of jobs in Washington

Coronavirus cases by city:

The location Infected people (number Number of deaths (number
Lake bonnie 47 Three
Central Pierce County 138 6
East Pierce County 52 Three
Edgewood / Fife / Milton 88 9
Frederickson 65 2
Gig Harbor 53 1
Graham 55 0
Key Peninsula 7 1
Lake Tapps / Sumner 47 0
Lake wood 196 Five
Parkland 105 2
Pure wrap 136 8
South Hill 103 1
South Pierce County 38 0
Southwest Pierce County twenty one 2
Spanaway 65 Four
Tacoma 607 27th
University Place 62 2
do not know 8 0
total 1,893 72

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