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We report two new cases of COVID-19 in the N.B. Campbellton area. Cases involving doctors are ugly, racist turn


There are two new cases of COVID-19 in the Campbellton area of ​​New Brunswick.

It’s a sequel.
In a news release, the government said, “One was closely related to a previously confirmed incident and another was related to Manoir de la Valley, a long-term care facility in Atholville. “

It’s a sequel.
The new cases are people in their 40s and 60s.

It’s a sequel.
Quebec residents were also tested positive for COVID-19, according to the New Brunswick Department of Public Health, which is associated with a long-term care facility in Atholville. Cases are counted in Quebec statistics.

It’s a sequel.
The Campbellton COVID-19 Cluster began when children in the Campbellton area were diagnosed on May 21.

It’s a sequel.
After 5 days, individuals in their 90s tested positive in the same zone.

It’s a sequel.
The next day, the state announced that one in his 50s had a positive test, and that the two previous cases were associated with this individual, a health care worker.

It’s a sequel.
A total of 15 cases make up the Campbellton cluster.

It’s a sequel.
This situation has led to rumors and speculation about doctors in many social media feeds.

It’s a sequel.
The doctor was publicly criticized for his actions, and now the case is taking an ugly racist tone.

It’s a sequel.
Including posts like this:

Racist FB post

It’s a sequel.
Today, the medical community said it was very concerned that its doctor-Dr. Jean Robert Nyola-has been targeted for racist attacks.

It’s a sequel.
“It’s understandable that citizens are upset and worried about the outbreak of COVID-19 in northern New Brunswick,” said Dr. Chris Goodyear, president of the New Brunswick Medical Society. “Dr. Gora admits that he made a “wrong decision” by crossing the border to Quebec and returning to New Brunswick without independence. I told the police that he had endured.”

It’s a sequel.
Guy Arseneault of Campbellton-Dalhousie MLA says this is unforgiving.

It’s a sequel.
“Canada has racism, and there is racism everywhere. It’s at what level it is, and I think it rises in anxiety,” he said.

It’s a sequel.
After the house closed late last week, Arseneault returned to his home and entered self-isolation.

It’s a sequel.
He was tested and it became negative.

It’s a sequel.
“Get all the facts, don’t pass the decision,” Arseneault said. “Let’s concentrate on the virus and put all our energy and thoughts there.”

It’s a sequel.
Since the outbreak began, five residents and three staff members of a nursing home for the elderly in Atollville have tested positive for COVID-19.

It’s a sequel.
Of the 5 residents, 3 are hospitalized.

It’s a sequel.
Social Development Minister Dorothy Shepherd says they are in stable condition.

It’s a sequel.
“We have deployed three administrative supports, which are familiar with homes and residents and are in constant contact with families,” Shephard said.

It’s a sequel.
Shefferd also said that the level of at-home staff is stable, with support outside the wall, after 10 staff members resigned last week.

It’s a sequel.
“Keep on alert”

It’s a sequel.
The chief health officer of the state’s health department warned people not to be alert when trying to look forward to a sunny day.

It’s a sequel.
“Because COVID-19 has been with us for a long time, we keep New Bruns Wickers vigilant and watch their symptoms,” said Jennifer Russell.

It’s a sequel.
The two new cases add up to 135 confirmed cases in New Brunswick. Of these, 120 recovered before the emergence of the Campbellton cluster. This includes all 15 active cases in the state.

It’s a sequel.
Five of them are hospitalized in one of the intensive care units. As of Wednesday, the state has 31,791 tests.

It’s a sequel.
Check the symptoms

It’s a sequel.
Persons with two of the following symptoms should contact Tele-Care 811 or its primary health care provider for further instructions.

  • It’s a sequel.
    Fever above 38°C or signs of fever (such as chills).

  • It’s a sequel.
    Exacerbation of a new or chronic cough;

  • It’s a sequel.
    sore throat;

  • It’s a sequel.
    Runny nose;

  • It’s a sequel.

  • It’s a sequel.
    A new beginning of fatigue;

  • It’s a sequel.
    New onset of muscle aches;

  • It’s a sequel.

  • It’s a sequel.
    Loss of taste or smell; and

  • It’s a sequel.
    Children will have purple markings on their fingers and toes. In this case, the test is performed even if there are no other symptoms at all.

It’s a sequel.
Ah Self assessment It will help you decide if you need to test COVID-19.

It’s a sequel.
Latest information about COVID-19 Available online..


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