Marin schools’COVID masking rules to persist
Students in Marin schools will likely be required to wear masks at least through next month, even though other coronavirus rules are easing, a county health official said Wednesday.
Dr. Lisa Santora, the county’s deputy public health officer, said the state’s easing of indoor masking requirements that goes into effect Feb. 16 does not include schools.
“Even though we are headed in the right direction, and transmission is going down, there is still a lot of COVID mixing in our whole community,” Santora said at a public webinar organized by the Marin County Office of Education.
“We’re still having around 100 cases a day, which is higher than any time before the omicron surge,” she said. “It’s important when you’re going down the mountain to stay vigilant.”
Santora said the next time the state could consider easing indoor masking in schools is when its current order expires on March 31.
“We’re not anticipating any relaxation on this before March 31,” she said.
Some Marin parents said Wednesday that they objected to the county continuing the indoor school mask mandate.
“We believe in science and common sense, both of which clearly indicate that masking our students is providing no benefit to our children or society at large,” Katie Adams, one of the parent organizers of the grassroots group Mask Choice Marinsaid in a written statement.
“Our school-age children — who lack their own voice in this decision — deserve the same choice to mask as all other Californians,” Adams said. days a week, 180 days a year, while adults are able to go to stadiums and bars maskless is simply cruel. ”
Mary Jane Burke, Marin superintendent of schools, said she understands that parents have varied opinions on indoor masks at schools. Some pro-mask families, for example, might have children whose immune systems are compromised, while others “are so done” with the requirement, she said.
“We have a lot of people on both ends of the spectrum,” she said.
In another development, Santora said the county is easing outdoor masking requirements at schools from “strongly recommend” to “consider it.” The county also is increasing the maximum number of people at “mega-events” such as school assemblies from 500 to 1,000 , she said.
Santora said restrictions could be loosened further by early March if Marin goes into the “moderate” level of COVID-19 transmission as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The county is in the “high high”Range, as is much of the country.
But Santora said she expects the county could reach the moderate rate by early March.
If that happens, the outdoor mask recommendation could drop from its current “consider it” level to “optional,” Santora said. At that point, she said, the determination about outdoor masking would likely fall to each school or school district, based on their circumstances.
For example, schools that have playgrounds where children interact closely and are crowded together might want to continue with some outdoor masking, Santora said. For schools with other activities where students are more separated, the schools might make the masks optional.
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