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Exercise after vaccination with COVID-19 or flu may increase antibody response: Study


Although exercise may not be the first thing most Americans want to do after vaccination, researchers have found that immediate physical activity may provide an antibody boost.

Researchers at Iowa State University ScienceDirect They found that after 90 minutes of mild to moderate intensity exercise, such as outdoor walks or jogging, after influenza or COVID-19 vaccine, immunity was further improved.

This study examined three vaccines: the Pfizer-Bio-Ntech COVID-19 vaccine, the seasonal influenza vaccine, and the H1N1 influenza vaccine.For participants who exercised for 90 minutes in With mild to moderate intensity exercise immediately after immunization, researchers noticed a consistent increase in serum antibody response to each vaccine 4 weeks after immunization.

“Our preliminary results are the first to show that a particular time can enhance the body’s antibody response to the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine and the two vaccines for influenza,” the lead author of the paper. Said Marian Kohut, a professor of kinematics. Iowa State University, In the statement..

In particular, this study found that exercise after COVID-19 vaccination did not increase side effects.

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Almost half of the study participants have a body mass index in the overweight or obesity category, with a heart rate of 120-140 beats per minute instead of focusing on distance for 90 minutes of post-immunization exercise. I kept it.

Researchers have suggested that this provides evidence that the results of the study can directly benefit people at different fitness levels.

Researchers also tested participants who exercised for 90 minutes, only 45 minutes after immunization, and found that shorter training did not increase antibody levels.

“But more research is needed to answer why and how. When we exercise, there are so many changes in metabolism, biochemistry, neuroendocrine, circulation, and so on, so perhaps. There is a combination of factors found in our study that contributes to the antibody response, “says Kohut.

Workouts lower the body’s blood and lymph and help the circulation of immune cells. As these cells move around the body, they are more likely to detect foreign bodies.

However, according to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many adults are not as active as they should be. A quarter of adults in the United States are physically inactive..

The Health effects Insufficient physical activity can be serious, as the CDC warns that heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer are some of the risk factors along with obesity. People of all ages and conditions benefit from more physical activity as they contribute to normal growth and development, reduce the risk of chronic illness, help people function better all day and sleep better at night. You can get it.

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