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Emergency healthcare providers see a surge in eating disorders during a pandemic

Emergency healthcare providers see a surge in eating disorders during a pandemic


Reno, Nevada (KOLO)-Eating disorders are becoming more common in pandemics near the age of two.

Dr. Byo Curry-Winchell, one of St. Mary’s medical directors, said some emergency care providers saw a surge in eating disorders in all age groups, including teenage girls aged 12 to 17 years. I am.

“The pandemic really poses a challenge due to the lack of control,” says Dr. Currie. “As you know, what people forget is the food shortage that was happening, which can cause great anxiety, especially for people with eating disorders, when relying on certain types of food. There is sex. “

She says that many teens do not appear to have eating disorders, but have the symptoms caused by them.

“If you take the time to actually connect with the patient, you know you’re not coughing or having a cold,” said Dr. Currie. “They are actually looking for help with something else, such as eating disorders, anxiety, or depression.”

This surge in age is not surprising for Amanda Elliott, who suffered from anorexia nervosa at the age of 17.

“A series of events stimulated the need for this control,” Elliott said.

She says eating disorders thrive in comparisons facilitated by social media platforms.

“My coping mechanism was to focus on this idea of ​​a’healthy diet’,” Elliott said. “Oh,’I’ll be healthy’, lots of exercise, lots of good food, and it developed almost overnight with an eating disorder.”

Elliott was discharged from treatment seven years ago and has long been unaware of the problem, including some of the treatment.

“The really terrible thing is that a lot of people agreed with me. Around me,” Oh, you’re very good at food, you’re very healthy, and how thin you are. I wish I could see or be like you. “

Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Founder Prosper wellnessKat Geiger says this is very common.

“You can’t tell just by looking at someone that they have an eating disorder,” Geiger said. “Only in a few cases, you can actually see someone and know that they are suffering from an eating disorder.”

Losing or gaining a significant amount of weight is not the only sign of an eating disorder.

Others include disappearing immediately after eating or cutting out certain food groups such as carbohydrates altogether.

“When the average person thinks about bulimia, they think of someone who loses calories by vomiting,” Geiger said. “But in reality, bulimia can be bulimia nervosa, bulimia nervosa can be laxative bulimia, and bulimia can take many different forms.”

Bulimia nervosa is one of the most common eating disorders. It is a time when you can eat a lot of food in a short time.

“Usually these are foods that are considered’forbidden fruits’,” Geiger said. “So I eat chocolate cake privately. If I notice a lot of food disappearing from my pantry at night. Some people may be suffering from an eating disorder.”

Geiger says that one of the things people can do to prevent eating disorders is to stop eating morals.

“Don’t think of food as good or bad. Try to talk about food very neutrally,” Geiger said. “Food is fuel, and food is the energy I put into my body.”

Some of the most common obstacles Anorexia, BulimiaWhen overeating..

When Geiger usually asks someone why changing an image is so important, the answer is usually to be loved and feel like they belong to.

“To treat people for an eating disorder is to treat them not only on the surface, but at their deeper levels,” Geiger said.

If you or someone you know may be suffering from an eating disorder, “I love you suffering. Can you help me with me or I’ll be here when I’m ready. I’m here. “

Thrive Wellness specializes in eating disorders. (775) You can call or email 525-8103 [email protected]..

Copyright 2022 KOLO. all rights reserved.




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