How much do you need to worry about Omicron BA.2. And do you need a second booster?
Currently, all counties in Maine are considered low risk.
At the same time, cases and hospitalizations for COVID-19 did not diminish as new, more contagious versions of the virus spread throughout the state.
And the federal government has just approved a second vaccine booster for certain people, including those over the age of 50.
The long winter when I saw the delta surge Omicron wave, It ended with a sharp drop in the number of cases and hospitalizations.
However, the COVID-19 pandemic is clearly not over. And the dizzying combination of headlines these days raises new questions about what’s ahead and what we should do to get ready. Here are some answers.
What is Omicron BA.2. Do you need to worry?
BA.2 is a subvariant or slightly modified version of the Omicron variant that arrived in Maine in December and caused a massive wave of COVID-19 infections.
BA.2 is about 50-80% more contagious than the original Omicron variant, but scientists say it does not cause more serious illness. Although less severe than Delta virus and previous strains, Omicron and Omicron BA.2 are not specifically vaccinated and are at high risk for serious illnesses such as obesity, diabetes and immunodeficiency. , Still deadly.
According to public health experts, the vaccine is well tolerated by all forms of Omicron.
What did BA.2 do in other countries? Does the same thing happen here?
Various impacts have been seen in other countries, and it is difficult to know where cases in the United States will go in the coming months based on other countries.
Take Europe, for example. The average 7-day COVID-19 cases increased in France, the United Kingdom and Germany, but decreased in Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Sweden and Poland.
There are many differences in immunization rates and demographic profiles between other countries and the United States, and timing is also an important difference. The BA.2 variant may not spread so easily here, as the United States is now emerging from the winter omicron surge and has high levels of herd immunity through vaccination and / or infection. I have.
How widespread is it in Maine? Is BA.2 the reason why cases and hospitalizations have stopped decreasing in the last few weeks?
The official Maine CDC report shows that 10.4% of the samples tested in March are BA.2 omicron subvariants, but the report lags behind real-time data by about two weeks. Testing by the retail pharmacy chain Walgreens has shown that 37% of cases in Maine are caused by subvariants.
Dr. Dora Anne Mills, Chief Health Improvement Officer at Maine Health, the parent organization of Portland’s Main Medical Center and seven other hospitals, said BA.2 stopped reducing cases and currently averages around 200 a day. Some experts predict that the proportion of new cases will increase, at least to some extent.
However, due to the high levels of immunity in the population due to vaccines, previous infections, or a combination of both, cases may not show significant spikes in Maine. And if the number of cases increases, hospitalization may not continue.
Why is another booster shot approved now? Who are you targeting?
Immunity from vaccination and from previous infections diminishes over time. Therefore, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends certain people a second booster shot if they took the first booster shot at least four months ago.
The second booster is for people over the age of 50 and those who have received the Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine and booster. People with immunodeficiency are eligible for a second boost of the Pfizer vaccine if they are 12 years of age or older, and a modelna vaccine if they are 18 years of age or older.
The COVID-19 vaccine can be similar to an annual flu shot. In this case, the immune system needs to be boosted regularly to protect against the serious consequences of the disease.
If I’m over 50 but not at high risk, do I need to get a new booster right away or wait?
The US CDC strongly recommends a second booster for people over the age of 65 and those in high-risk health.
But others disagree, partly because it’s unclear how long the benefits of other boosters will last. As in the previous round, medical professionals agree that the second booster is safe.
Mills, a doctor at Maine Health, said that many people over the age of 50 have at least one of the risk factors that justify a second booster. For example, even a sedentary lifestyle is at high risk.
Dr. Bob Wachter, an epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, tweeted last week that the second booster is a “simple call” to older people and high-risk people, but it’s dangerous. “Wachter said that even a healthy 50-year-old has a slight advantage in getting a second booster.
Dr. Eric Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute and professor of molecular medicine, said in a blog post: Over 50 years old, well tolerated previous shots and worried about the waves of BA.2 where he lives … Or if you are traveling or have plans to increase your risk. It takes about two weeks after vaccination to get a complete immune response.
However, Topol also said, “If you have three shots and a breakthrough infection with Omicron, you rarely need to get a second booster at this point. There is hybrid immunity.”
Where can I get the second booster shot?
Pharmacies and healthcare providers continue to offer vaccines and booster shots for free, but this should be confirmed in advance.
Some healthcare providers offer a second booster to all eligible patients, while others provide them to the highest-risk patients.
Dr. Nirav Shah, director of the main CDC, said in a Twitter post last week that boosters should be widely available soon.
“Maine healthcare providers have already given qualified individuals a second booster, but as with previous changes, some providers have tailored their systems to make shots more widely available. It can take some time to do, “he said.
To get help finding the location of your vaccination, please visit Or call 1-888-445-4111.
What is the new COVID pill? Does that mean the pandemic is finally over?
Paxlovid is a new oral drug that reduces the chances of hospitalization for COVID-19 by nearly 90% when taken early after the onset of symptoms.
Other approved treatments such as monoclonal antibodies and remdesivir are infusions and must be done in a hospital or outpatient setting. In addition to the increased supply of Paxlovid, the logistical advantage of being in the form of tablets provides the public health system with another valuable tool for combating COVID-19. This is another way to prevent the hospital from being flooded with patients. Currently, this pill is approved for people with high risk factors, such as certain medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer, people with a weakened immune system, and the elderly. Vaccination status does not affect Paxlovid’s eligibility.
The availability of pills does not mean that the pandemic is over. It is unknown how the virus mutates and whether new variants pose more threats. But at least for now, pills are another reason public health professionals are optimistic about the near future.
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