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Fatigue after Covid is more than just tired.5 tips on what to do

Fatigue after Covid is more than just tired.5 tips on what to do


People are often surprised at how tired they are during a COVID infection.

Fatigue is not just tired or sleepy.It’s a persistent excessive fatigue Despite rest and sleep.. This may be the result of our body’s strong immune response to the virus.

However, some people continue to feel tired even after the infection is gone. This can be debilitating and frustrating. It doesn’t make a difference just to rest more.

Here’s what we know about fatigue after COVID and what it helps.

Fatigue or tiredness? What’s the difference?

The term fatigue has different meanings from person to person. Some people mean that their muscles are easily weakened. Walking to the mailbox makes me feel like I was running a marathon. Others explain generalized fatigue, whether they are moving or not.People can experience Physical, mental or emotional Fatigue, or any combination of these.

The differences between fatigue and fatigue are as follows: Getting enough rest will improve your fatigue, but Fatigue continues Even if someone is sleeping and resting more than ever.

How big is this?

It is not possible to give an exact number of people who have experienced it, as there is no consensus definition of fatigue after COVID.

Estimates vary considerably around the world. One review of 21 studies Sixteen to twenty weeks after the onset of symptoms, 13 to 33% of people felt tired. This is a worryingly widespread problem.

When do I need to see the GP?

Fatigue has many potential causes.Fatigue was one of the most, even before the pandemic Common reasons to see GP..

When your GP asks you about your condition and sees you, you can rule out the most serious causes. From time to time your GP will investigate further, perhaps by ordering a blood test.

Symptoms of particular concern include fever, unexplained weight loss, abnormal bleeding and bruising, pain awakening from sleep (anywhere), and night sweats.

If your fatigue is getting worse rather than improving, or if you can’t properly care for yourself, you really need to seek medical care.

Is it like a long COVID?

Early in the pandemic, we noticed that some patients had a cluster of debilitating symptoms that had been dragged in for months. It is now called the long COVID.

Several 85% Many patients with long COVID experience fatigue, making it one of the most common long COVID symptoms.

However, people with long COVIDs have a variety of symptoms, including “brain fog,” headaches, and muscle aches. Therefore, patients with long COVIDs may experience more than fatigue and may have no fatigue at all.

Is this like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

We knew Chronic fatigue syndromeAlso known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, Long before COVID..

This is after a virus infection (eg, Epstein-Barr virus). So, of course, It can cause chronic fatigue syndrome.

There are significant similarities between chronic fatigue syndrome and long COVID. Both are associated with fatigue, fog in the brain and muscle aches.

But at this stage, the researchers are still Break the link During fatigue after COVID, long COVID, chronic fatigue syndrome.

For now, we know that many people feel tired after COVID, but thankfully they don’t develop long-term COVID or chronic fatigue syndrome.

What can help you manage your fatigue?

Expect that you and your loved ones can develop post-COVID fatigue. No matter how sick you or they were During the actual infection.

Vaccines help reduce the risk of fatigue after COVID by reducing the chance of getting COVID in the first place. People who have been vaccinated with COVID Less likely to report fatigue What is Unlikely to develop a long COVID..

However, vaccinations are not 100% protected and many are completely vaccinated. Develop long-term fatigue..

Evidence of what helps to recover from post-COVID fatigue is still in its infancy. However, there are some things that can help.

1. At your own pace: Adjust your return to normal activity to your energy level. Please select a priority Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do

2. Gradually return to exercise. a Gradually return to exercise It may help you recover, but you may need help with how to manage or avoid subsequent fatigue. Some therapists (occupational therapists, physiotherapists, exercise physiothers) specialize in this.So ask your GP for a recommendation

3. Prioritize sleep: Remember that your body is your body while you sleep, rather than feeling guilty about sleeping so much Save energy When heal.. Disordered sleep patterns are an unfortunate COVID symptom.It’s important to have a tight bedtime and take a break if you feel tired during the day.

4. Eat a variety of nutritious foods: The loss of odor, taste and appetite due to COVID can make this tricky. But look at food as a way to fuel your body with both energy and the micronutrients it needs to heal. Be careful not to spend a fortune on the unproven “therapies” that are common in small studies. Make a little difference

5. Monitor fatigue. Keep a diary to monitor your fatigue and look for gradual improvement. There are good days and bad days, but overall it should be a slow path towards recovery. If you want to go back, ask your doctor or other medical professional for advice.conversation

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Natasha YatesAssistant professor, general medical care, Bond University

This article will be republished from conversation Under a Creative Commons Original work..




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