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Research Finds Mental Illness May Increase Risk of Breakthrough Covid

Research Finds Mental Illness May Increase Risk of Breakthrough Covid


Top line

People diagnosed with a mental illness are about 3.7% more likely to experience a Covid-19 infection after vaccination than those without a mental illness. study Published on Thursday JAMA network Open This suggests the need for Covid-19 preventive efforts aimed at people with mental health problems.

Important facts

Substance use disorder The risk of breakthrough infections is about 16% higher than those who have not been diagnosed with mental illness, and the disorders most strongly associated with infection risk are the San Francisco Veterans Medical System and the University of California, San Francisco. Researchers at the school say. Psychiatric was found.

Adjustment disorderIt can be caused by stressful life events and is about 13% more likely to have a breakthrough infection if it includes symptoms such as tremors, intense tension and hopelessness.

The association between the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders and the breakthrough increased risk of Covid-19 is strongest in patients over the age of 65 and reflects the high general vulnerabilities to Covid-19 in the elderly.

Researchers not only managed typical factors such as age and gender, but also managed conditions such as obesity, smoking, and diabetes. These can play a complex role in the relationship between mental health and Covid-19 risk.

The study is based on records of 263,697 fully vaccinated patients who accessed vaccination military care between February 2020 and November 2021 and tested positive for coronavirus prior to vaccination. There was no record.

Main background

Prior to the widespread availability of the vaccine, people with mental illness were at increased risk of becoming infected with Covid-19 and experiencing serious consequences such as hospitalization and death. JAMA network Open study. Scientists are still working to unravel the exact link between mental health and the Covid-19 vulnerability.Research published in the Lancet When Elsewhere It indicates that people with certain mental illnesses have a weakened immune system or a poor response to the vaccine, suggesting that their immunity to Covid-19 may have declined after vaccination.In addition, 2022 study The American Psychological Association has announced certain post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and dangerous Covid-19 behaviors such as traveling by plane for vacations and attending events with large numbers of people. I found a correlation with. Due to the high risk of Covid-19, booster shots and public health campaigns for people with mental illness are needed. JAMA network Open The author of the study said.

Amazing facts

Researchers have found that the diagnosis of mental illness is associated with a 10% reduction in the risk of breakthrough infections in people under the age of 65. This is the only example in which a diagnosis of mental illness has led to a reduced risk of breakthrough.


“After a Covid infection, the risk of mental illness has skyrocketed, and studies show that even in mild cases.” (Forbes)




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