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Men have more skin cancer than women, but many still refuse to wear sunscreen

Men have more skin cancer than women, but many still refuse to wear sunscreen


Skin cancer According to NHS figures, men affect far more people than women, and the chances of dying from the disease are almost doubled. Since the 1970s, the mortality rate of skin cancer in men has tripled. The incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer is generally less severe, but requires treatment, but is higher in men.

There’s more than one important factor here, but it’s time to discuss it more seriously. Bad sun care??

Many women can think of men and boys in friends and family. You need to use sunscreenJust like the dangerous burns later in the day, it just turns red from embarrassment.

According to a 2017 YouGov survey, men are twice as likely to give up protection as women, with 31% saying they don’t use sunscreen for 15% of women.The survey also found that 47 percent of women were at risk of use. Ineffective sunscreen creamThis figure rises to 58 percent among men.

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Skin cancer is most likely to affect the neck, chest, arms, face, and ears that are exposed to frequent sunlight (Photo: John White / Getty).

Alex Doyle, founder of the men’s skin care and cosmetics brand Altr, believes that “gender norms are very important in all of this.”

“Women are bound by a completely different standard of beauty than men,” he says. “Men are not facing the pressure of caring for their skin as much as women.

“The whole concept of men’s skin care was laughed at about 20 years ago, and even moisturizing was considered feminine. This is now accepted as a standard practice among men under the age of 40. And the market is developing rapidly to catch up with the women’s market. “

If more men can We recommend using sunscreenNot to mention a reduced risk of cancer, you are less likely to have painful burns, uneven skin tone, and black spots.

The rise of Instagram, TikTok, and Zoom “means that men are on display more than ever, raising self-consciousness for the skin,” Doyle said.

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Men and women should always protect their skin, not just in the sun (Photo: Jo Hale / Getty)

Experts advise that we should always consider protecting the skin, Not only when it’s very sunny Or when we are on vacation.

“Every day, regardless of season or region, SPF protection is a must,” said Diane Cannon of the patient support and advocacy group Melanoma UK.

This group works with Life Jacket Skin Protection, an SPF brand made exclusively for men. “Many women receive this protection in the form of make-up, foundation and SPF moisturizer,” she says.

Increased skin cancer

  • Data suggest that skin cancer cases have reached record levels in the United Kingdom, affecting one in five people in their lifetime.
  • According to figures analyzed by NHS Digital and the British Association of Dermatologists, 224,000 skin cancers were recorded in the UK in 2019, and more than 1.4 million cancers were recorded between 2013 and 2019. The data suggest a 26% increase in recorded cases from 177,677 in 2013 to 224,092 in 2019.
  • Experts believe that the aging of the population and improved ways of reporting cancer are behind the increase. Increased exposure to the sun and people going on foreign holidays may also be responsible.

So what should men do? “Men need to find their favorite SPF moisturizer and apply it every morning before going out,” says Cannon. “Ideally, with a minimum of SPF 30, a good UVA rating. When going out for long periods of time, all exposed skin should have sunscreen.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, an academic medical center, skin cancer Affects the skin that the sun reaches, Scalp, face, ears, neck, chest, arms, hands, etc. The legs are another commonly vulnerable area. And don’t forget your lips. If you are bald or have very short hair, you may want to put SPF on your head as well.

From others health

The advice applies to everyone. According to Cancer Research UK, melanoma kills more than 2,000 people a year in the UK, and women don’t always understand it correctly.

It’s important for everyone to do it, regardless of skin color or ethnicity Protect their skin Check for signs of early warning of skin cancer. It can be difficult to find changes to dark skin tones, but it can still be there.

“Every two to three months, we need to check our skin for changing moles and blemishes,” says Cannon. “Look for an increase in size, change in shape, new color, bleeding, pain, scabs, red around the edges, or itching.”

If it’s cancer, or if experts think it’s possible to develop cancer in the future, considering things early makes a really big difference.

As Ms. Cannon emphasizes, “Don’t be afraid to waste your doctor’s time. They want you to talk to them.”




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