Losing Weight in Men Can Prevent 1,300 Prostate Cancer Deaths – Study
High levels of obesity in men have killed hundreds of people from prostate cancer, according to a new study.
Researchers claim that if the average man isn’t overweight, he may be able to prevent more than 1,300 deaths from prostate cancer each year in the UK.
Obesity is associated with 13 other cancers, including cancers of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and kidneys, but the link between prostate cancer and body weight is just beginning to be revealed by scientists.
A new study presented at the European Parliament on obesity Netherlands Published in the journal BMC Medicine, I saw scholars carry out fresh research and review previous data on this topic.
In a new study, researchers looked at data on 218,237 men enrolled in UK Biobank Studies obtained when body mass index score (BMI), waist circumference, and waist-hip ratio were first enrolled in the study.
Participants were followed for an average of 12 years, during which 661 men died of prostate cancer.
After analyzing the health data of men who died of prostate cancer and comparing them to those who did not, the researchers found that every five additional points for men BMI The score was 7% more likely to die of prostate cancer.
Also, for every 4 inches (10 cm) of waistline increased, the risk of dying from prostate cancer increased by 6%.
Meanwhile, researchers also analyzed previous studies that looked up information about about 20,000 men who died of prostate cancer.
These studies suggest that for every five additional points in a man’s BMI score, he is 10% more likely to die of prostate cancer, and an additional 4 inches (10 cm) of waist size increases his risk by 7%. doing.
The mechanism behind the findings is still unclear, but researchers say the study still suggests that men should try to maintain a healthy weight.
“Knowing more about the factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer is the key to preventing prostate cancer,” said Dr. Aurora Perez Cornago of Oxford University, who led the study.
“Age, family history, and black ethnicity are known risk factors, but they cannot be changed. Therefore, it is important to discover risk factors that can be changed.”
About 11,900 men die of prostate cancer each year in the United Kingdom.
Also, according to researchers, men aged 55-64 years have an average BMI score of 28.9, which is classified as overweight.
Based on their findings, it was calculated that an estimated 1,309 prostate cancer deaths each year in the UK would be reduced if men could reduce their BMI score by 5 points.
And they pointed out that health leaders around the world recommend that men should aim to have a 36-inch (92 cm) waist circumference.
Waist circumference is used as a measure of obesity and as a BMI score because it indicates the amount of fat that has accumulated around a person’s organs.
Dr. Perez-Cornago said:
“In either case, our latest results provide another reason for men to maintain a healthy weight.”
Karis Betts, Senior Health Information Manager cancer Research UK, which funded this research, said: ..
“While the jury is discussing the relationship between prostate cancer and obesity, maintaining a healthy weight is still important because obesity causes 13 other types of cancer.
“But by building on these useful discoveries in the future, scientists will begin to elucidate what the mechanism of prostate cancer and obesity is, and better understand who is at increased risk of dying from this disease. It helps. “
Regarding this study, Simon Grieveson of Prostate Cancer UK said: Male results.
“Maintaining a healthy weight can prevent many cancers, but it’s important to remember that prostate cancer can affect men of all shapes and sizes.”
Meanwhile, another study presented at the conference found that lack of sleep can undermine people’s attempts to lose weight.
Researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, examined sleep time and quality in 195 obese adults.
people We found that those who slept less than 6 hours per night had an average BMI increase of 1.3 points after 1 year compared to those who slept more than 6 hours.
Similarly, poor-sleeping individuals, as measured by self-assessment questionnaires, increased their BMI score by 1.2 points after one year compared to good-sleeping individuals.
Scholars have found that about two hours of intense physical activity a week can help maintain better sleep.
Another study presented at the conference concluded that nearly a quarter of obese teenagers are unaware that they are obese.
According to data from 10 countries, including the United Kingdom, 24% of adolescents with obesity do not know they are obese, but most are worried about the impact of weight on their future health.
In a survey of 13,000 teenagers, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, the main barriers to weight loss for teenagers were hunger, lack of motivation, and lack of control over enjoying unhealthy food. I found out that there is.
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