Can I have a Covid and get a negative test?Immunochromatography accuracy and what to do if you have symptoms
Covid-19 cases have decreased significantly last month, BA.2 sect of Omicron variant It peaked again in March.
Hospitalizations and deaths have also consistently decreased. However, the virus has not disappeared.
Experts suggested it wouldn’t be long Before talking “Catch Covid” Just like a cold.
This means that the virus is set to remain a part of our lives for the foreseeable future. It’s important to be aware of the signs,and Know when you might have it..
The best way to do this is to test it yourself.
The government has discontinued the free Covid test, but the lateral flow can be purchased from pharmacies for about £ 2.
Here’s what you need to know about how accurate they are:And whether it can be tested Negative even if infected with a virus..
How accurate is the later flow test?
Studies published in Clinical epidemiology A October 2021 journal conducted by researchers at the University of London, the University of Liverpool, Harvard, and Bath found that immunochromatography was more than 80% effective in identifying Covid-19-positive cases. rice field.
The study also found that the test was more than 90% effective in detecting the virus when someone was most infected.
However, it is not 100% accurate, so it is technically possible to test negative when infected with a virus.
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) states that “there is no 100% reliable test” because immunochromatography does not always detect low levels of the virus.
The NHS states: “Negative results mean that you are unlikely to be infectious. However, a negative test does not guarantee that you do not have Covid-19 and you may be infected. There are still. You should follow the advice above How to avoid catching and spreading the virus.. “
UK-based GP Dr. Gary Bartlett Independent: “I often tell patients that immunochromatography is very useful for asymptomatic screening (testing in the absence of symptoms).
“If you have symptoms that suggest Covid, you need to get the PCR test, which is Covid’s gold standard test because it is good at detecting Covid. If you have symptoms of Covid, it is associated with false negatives. Because of the potential, the lateral flow is unreliable, and it is common to believe that there is no Covid when it is not. “
He added that false positives (tests that show that you have Covid when you don’t actually have it) are very rare and occur only in “a small percentage”.
Professor Adam Finn, a member of the Joint Commission on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) in the United Kingdom, said: British Medical Journal: “If [lateral flow tests] Be positive. That is, it can infect others and must be self-quarantined. These are not “green light” tests. If the test is negative, it cannot be confirmed that it is not infectious. Normal precautions should be continued. “
How do I get the Covid test correctly?
To get an antigen test, take a swab from the inside of the nostrils, the back of the throat, or both, depending on the specific test you are using.
The swab is then mixed with the solution and dropped onto the device containing the test strip.
Antibodies specific to the Covid-19 virus are drawn with thin lines on the test strip.
These antibodies bind to any antigen in the sample. When the test strip detects a virus, it appears as a thin red line next to the T on the device.
What are the symptoms of Covid-19?
The NHS currently lists the following as official Covid symptoms:
- High temperature or tremor (chills) – High temperature means that you feel hot when you touch your chest or back (no need to measure your body temperature).
- New continuous cough – this means an episode of 1 hour or more cough, or 3 or more coughs in 24 hours
- Loss or change of smell or taste
- Dyspnea
- Feel tired or tired
- Aching body
- headache
- sore throat
- Stuffy nose or runny nose
- Decreased appetite
- diarrhea
- Feeling sick or feeling sick
According to the NHS, the symptoms are “very similar to those of other illnesses such as colds and the flu.”
What do you do if you have symptoms?
If you have symptoms of Covid-19, you do not need to be legally quarantined...
However, the NHS advises people with symptoms to stay at home and avoid contact with others.
If the test is positive or symptomatic, the NHS recommends that you perform the following steps:
- Try to work from home if possible. If you can’t work from home, ask your employer about the options available.
- Stay home if you can – this will help reduce the number of people you come in contact with.
- Avoid contact with People at high risk of Covid-19, Especially if the immune system means that even if vaccinated, there is an increased risk of serious illness due to Covid-19.
- Follow your advice How to prevent the virus from spreading to people you live with;
- Let people who need to come to your home know that you are positive or have symptoms. Then they can take steps to protect themselves. Wash your hands regularly.
- If you are asked to attend a medical or dental appointment directly, contact your healthcare provider and tell them about your positive test results or symptoms.
- Get food and other necessities from your friends, family, and neighbors.
If you live in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland, here are some tips:
If the Covid-19 test is positive, you should self-quarantine for a full 5 days. The first day is the day after the onset of symptoms, or the day after the test if there are no symptoms (whichever comes first).
Next, on the 5th day, you need to do an immunochromatography. If it is negative and you do not have high temperatures, you can leave self-isolation on the 6th day.
However, if you are still warm and feel sick, you should continue to self-isolate until your temperature returns to normal or you feel better.
If the test on day 5 or 6 is positive, continue the immunoflow test every other day or until day 10, whichever comes first, until two negative tests are obtained in succession. is needed.
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