ICMR publishes country’s first pre-travel guidelines for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
According to recent estimates from the International Diabetes Federation, India has the highest incidence and prevalent cases of type 1 diabetes in the world.
According to recent estimates from the International Diabetes Federation, India has the highest incidence and prevalent cases of type 1 diabetes in the world.
Traveling with flashcards to navigate the language barrier, managing your diet across time zones, storing insulin, and minimizing glucose fluctuations, as you don’t wear brand new shoes on your trip All of this, up to the method, is part of the Indian Council. Pre-travel advice and preparation for medical research (ICMR) for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. This is the first list of basic behaviors in the country and does not ensure the safety of Type 1 patients while traveling.
According to recent estimates from the International Diabetes Federation, India has the highest incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes in the world, and the council now has type 1 diabetes in children, adolescents, and adults. We publish a comprehensive document that provides advice on care for people with diabetes. 1 Diabetes.
Type I diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, is a chronic disease in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. It usually appears in adolescence and symptoms include increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, malaise, and blurred vision. Treatment aims to maintain normal blood sugar levels through regular monitoring, insulin therapy, diet, and exercise.
The new 173 page ICMR Guidelines document provides support for people with type 1 diabetes to survive using insulin and other treatments and to live their lives without negating stigma, restriction, or illness complications. It states that it is necessary.
The council will notify the doctor in advance, preferably 4-6 weeks before the trip, and in addition to the medication and blood test materials for the entire trip, at least 2-4 if unforeseen circumstances extend the trip. Suggested that you need to have weekly equipment. ..
It is also advisable to carry comfortable shoes and socks to avoid straining your feet while traveling. “Patients should avoid walking barefoot. Alternating two pairs of shoes can reduce the risk of blisters and calluses. If you buy new shoes, at least 2-3 before traveling. Must be used for a week. Patients with a medical identification blisters must have information on illness, insulin use and must disclose allergies. In addition, this valid travel insurance travels abroad. Should be guaranteed for, “said the council.
Patients with language problems need to have a card or other means to tell them that they have diabetes. These are their medicines and what to do if you have hypoglycemia. It is helpful to teach simple phrases such as “I have diabetes”, “I have less sugar in my local language”, “This is my medicine”, “Please give me juice”.
Meals and light meals
It is also advisable to be aware of the serving times of meals and light meals and request that they be served according to a personal schedule to avoid glucose fluctuations due to schedule disruptions.
According to the guidelines, patients should check their blood glucose levels as soon as possible after landing, and jet lag can make it difficult to determine if blood glucose levels are very low or very high.
“Diabetes management relies on a 24-hour dosing schedule, and dosing adjustments are only necessary if the patient is moving east or west, not north or south. Moving east, one day May shorten and reduce diabetes. Moving west will increase the days and may require higher insulin doses. Insulation adjustments usually go through five or more time zones. , Required if you are staying abroad for more than 3 days, “said the guidelines.
India is home to the second largest adult diabetic population in the world, with one in six diabetics in the world being Indian.
Salary increased by 150%
According to the council, the number of people with diabetes in the country has increased by 150% over the past 30 years, and an increase in the prevalence of prediabetes indicates that diabetes will increase further in the near future.
Also worrisome is the fact that diabetes in India has moved from high to medium income to the underprivileged areas of our society. “A major concern is the gradual decline in the age at which type 2 diabetes develops, revealing changes in disease prevalence in the 25-34 age group in both urban and rural areas. “Masu,” said the council. ..
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