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CDC announces new details about mysterious hepatitis in children

CDC announces new details about mysterious hepatitis in children
CDC announces new details about mysterious hepatitis in children


A new analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides details on mysterious cases of pediatrics hepatitis Identified throughout the United States. Although 45 percent of patients were tested positive for adenovirus infection, these children “represent a heterogeneous group of hepatitis etiologies,” the CDC authors write.

Of the 296 children diagnosed in the United States between October 1, 2021 and June 15, 2022, 18 Liver transplant And 11 people died.

On April 21, 2022, the CDC warned providers to report cases of childhood hepatitis of unknown etiology in children under the age of 10 after similar cases were identified in Europe and the United States.The UK has found an increase in the number of cases over the past year, but CDC researchers Public data On June 14, it was suggested that cases of childhood hepatitis did not increase from 2017 to 2021.

This latest analysis was published at the CDC on Friday, June 24th. Weekly morbidity and mortality reports, It provides additional demographic data for affected patients and investigates possible causes, including previous infections with COVID-19. Researchers have previously ruled out COVID-19 vaccination as a potential factor in these cases, as most children have not been vaccinated or are not yet eligible for vaccination. According to the analysis, only 5 patients received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

The 296 cases included in the analysis occurred in 42 states and territories in the United States with a median patient age of 2 years and 2 months. Almost 60% of the patients were male (58.1%) and 40.9% were female. The largest proportion of cases occurred in Hispanic or Latin children (37.8%), followed by non-Hispanic Caucasian children (32.4%). Black patients accounted for 9.8% of all cases, and 3.7% of affected children were of Asian descent. Vomiting, malaise, and jaundice are all common symptoms, and about 90% (89.9%) of children required hospitalization.

Of the 224 children tested for adenovirus, 44.6% were positive. The analysis also included information about 123 of these hepatitis patients tested for a variety of other pathogens. Almost 80% (98/123) were tested for COVID-19 and only 10.2% were positive. Twenty-six percent of patients were previously infected with COVID-19 and developed hepatitis on average 133 days after the reported SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Other viruses detected are:

Co-infection with SARS-CoV-2 and adenovirus occurred in 3 patients.

There was no evidence of viral encapsulation in 36 patients who underwent pathological evaluation of liver biopsy, explants, or autopsy tissue.

Findings suggest that there may be many different causes behind these severe hepatitis cases, the authors write, and about one-third of hepatitis cases in children are known. It is presumed that it has no cause. However, in many cases, the identification of adenovirus infection is “whether a new pattern of disease has emerged in this population, or the cause of unrecognized adenovirus in previously uncertain cases of childhood hepatitis. Or raise the question of whether it could be a cofactor, “the author writes. As the investigation continued, they added that “more clinical data is needed to understand the causes of these cases and assess their potential association with adenovirus.”

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