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Retirement age is rising, but our new study reveals that most of the time, 50 years later is 10 years old


By Marty Parker, Carol Jagger, Milica Blagojevic-Bucknall, Ross Wilkie

Retirement age is rising, but our new study reveals that most of the time, 50 years later is 10 years old

Healthy working life is the average number of years a group of people is likely to be healthy and have paid work since the age of fifty. Credit: ALPA PROD / Shutterstock

The average life expectancy in 1800 is 29-year-old.. Life expectancy continues to grow today. Baby born in the UK in 2018 The average male is predicted to be 87.6 and the average female is 90.2. But as life expectancy increases, so does retirement age.

Retirement is expensive and state pensions Workers pay With some people paying taxes, many governments are concerned that there are not enough working people to fund the ever-growing population of retirees. Therefore, many countries Increase retirement age.. In the UK, the state’s pension age will increase from 65 to 66 this year, reaching 67 2028..

We live long, but this does not necessarily mean us Can work for additional years. Healthy working life It tells you the average number of years people in your population are likely to have a healthy, paid job from the age of fifty. Healthy working life focuses on working life after age 50. Illnesses such as pain and mobility problems can make it difficult for people to continue working or find a job that suits their needs.

Our research Healthy working life It turns out that, on average, people in the UK can expect to be healthy and able to work from the age of 50 to about nine and a half years. However, these years are not always live consecutively, as people may temporarily quit their jobs or experience health problems. These findings are based on data from 15,284 individuals over the age of 50 in the United Kingdom who were interviewed several times between 2002 and 2013.

Compared to the national average, healthy life expectancy is higher for men (10.94 years) and lower for women (8.25 years). We also found that non-workers or self-employed persons (such as office workers) have a longer healthy working life than manual occupations (such as electricians and care workers). It also increased with the level of education.

People also tend to have longer healthy working lives in the south compared to the north of England. This reflects the bad health And economic situation Usually found in the north. The amount and variety of jobs available in the community also influences the difference in healthy working life because those who cannot find the right job cannot continue.

We also divided the population into five equal-sized groups based on poverty. We have found that people living in the most disadvantaged areas tend to stay healthy and work for about four years (10.53 years) longer than those in the most disadvantaged areas (6.80).

Retirement age is rising, but our new study reveals that most of the time, 50 years later is 10 years old

A regional map showing the average number of years of healthy work expected from the age of 50 in the UK. Credit: Parker et al, 2020, provided by the author

Healthy working life

Many factors affect different average lengths of healthy working life between groups. Longer healthy life expectancy in men compared to women can be explained, at least in part, by previous access to state pensions Before 2018..

The quality of local health care, the prevalence of health problems, access to employment opportunities, and the ability of the workplace to meet individual needs are all factors that explain the difference in a healthy working life. These factors can also be barriers that can prevent healthy healthy life expectancy groups from continuing to be employed. For example, a person engaged in a manual profession (and their employer) may be unable to address health problems in later years.

Given that people with higher education and those living in disadvantaged areas are estimated to have long healthy lives, Relationship with socioeconomic status.. Poor socioeconomic status is associated with poor physical and mental health and low-paid work or unemployment. Possible explanations for this link include poor job opportunities, money concerns, and poor income. Providing a healthy lifestyle..

The increase in retirement age was a response to national life expectancy. However, in some areas A big improvement over others, Some people are seeing a decline. But International studies We show that living longer does not necessarily mean spending more time in good health-and our findings also indicate that many will find it difficult to work until the new retirement age. Also suggests.

The main reason for increasing retirement age is Financial sustainability Of the state pension program. However, if the majority of the population is not healthy enough to work long hours, unemployment and disability may increase the need for government funding. With them For those who cannot afford to quit their work, their poor health can affect their productivity and daily work, and they may not be able to manage their health efficiently during working hours.

In England, The health gap is widening.. Without interventions to improve health and access to good work opportunities, some groups have the same healthy working life, or Even a decrease.. Waiting longer to receive state pension income may be especially difficult for these subgroups.

Life expectancy is rising Stagnation in 2014-2015 In many high-income countries Age is not yet Will increase In many countries including US, UK, Australia.. Healthy work monitoring May be important in the future to know if people can stay in work with change to change ..

Physically demanding jobs that reduce working life and increase sick leave

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