Comparison of complaints after the second and third COVID mRNA vaccine administration
In a recent article posted on medRxiv* Preprint Server, Norwegian and Swedish researchers have made medical complaints after the second and third SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. I compared.
study: Medical complaints after 3 to 2 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination.. Image Credit: MattLphotography / Shutterstock
Following mild coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in 2019, the most common persistent complaints are fatigue and respiratory problems such as shortness of breath and cough, commonly referred to as post-COVID conditions. It will be.
The authors of this study recently reported that these complaints were similarly prevalent after SARS-CoV-2 omicron and delta infections. However, there is uncertainty about the effects of COVID-19 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccination on these post-COVID complaints. In addition, it is unclear whether the responsiveness of the vaccine can lead to such complaints in the long and short term.
According to a recent rapid review, people who received one or two doses of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine were less likely to be longer-COVID symptoms.. To better understand the overall impact of the third COVID-19 vaccine on medical complaints, it is necessary to understand the impact on medical services. Obvious medical service implications can be considered when deciding whether to give a fourth dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.
About research
In the current study, researchers at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo University, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, and Lund University received three SARS-CoV-2 vaccines within 20 and 30 weeks after the second vaccination. Analyzed if a person was present After about 90 days after COVID-19, there was a risk of experiencing a different medical complaint than those who did not receive a third vaccination. They also assessed whether various incidences were most likely associated with a clear COVID-19 outbreak between groups.
In a prospective cohort survey, the team used information from the Norwegian Emergency Response Register to evaluate people aged 18-70 years who lived in Norway on January 1, 2021. The survey targeted men and women of working age in two cohorts. -44 and 45-70 years old.
Scientists obtained a matching sample of a control cohort of similar size with 138,581 participants aged 18-70 years who received the third vaccination 20-30 weeks after the second vaccination. To this end, they utilized an accurate 1: 1 vertical match in the day after the two vaccinations, the calendar month, and the set of covariates. The main result of this study was medical records showing frequent post-COVID complaints in primary care for about 90 days after vaccination.
The study found that after the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination, the predicted 90-day cumulative incidence of medical complaints after SARS-CoV-2 infection was 70 per 100,000, depending on the type of complaint. Shown that it was in the range of 5,000.
Three vaccinations reduced medical complaints in people aged 18-44 years. That is, 662 respondents (662 per 100,000 immunized) reported fatigue, 160 reported shortness of breath, and 65 reported brain fog. The team is at risk of experiencing up to 90% of post-COVID medical complaints for those who have been vaccinated three times at intervals of 20-30 weeks after the second vaccination, compared to those who have not been vaccinated. A few days later we noticed a 20% -40% decrease. There was no reduction in the incidence of cough, musculoskeletal pain, or palpitations.
After excluding subjects aged 18-44 years according to the date of the COVID-19 positive test, these absolute differences were less pronounced. This reasoning suggests that fluctuations in the incidence of COVID-19 may contribute to fluctuations in complaints.
Similar studies that discontinued the positive test produced more unclear results. Still, estimates for people between the ages of 45 and 70 are high. This observation was due to a bias associated with healthy vaccinated people.
Importantly, none of the current analyzes reveal an immediate increase in the outcome of medical complaints after the third dose of mRNA vaccine, and possible side effects may not burden primary care facilities. Indicates that there is.
The authors argued that this study was the first to evaluate how a third SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine dose affects vaccination-related complaints seen in primary care.
The results of the study suggested that subjects vaccinated with three doses of COVID-19 had a lower incidence of complaints than controls vaccinated with two doses. A study comparing analyzes with and without filtering for a positive SARS-CoV-2 test found that the low incidence of COVID-19 in three vaccinated individuals contributed to this reduction. It was shown that there is a possibility.
Overall, the study found that complaints after COVID-19 and COVID were higher than the corresponding controls in individuals who received a third dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine 20-30 weeks after the second dose. Showed that it is not common. .. This may be at least partially explained by fluctuations in the incidence of SARS-CoV-2. These results may be related to deciding when to give a fourth dose of the mRNA vaccine in a public health scenario.
*Important Notices
medRxiv Publish preliminary scientific reports that should not be considered definitive as they have not been peer-reviewed, guide clinical practice / health-related behaviors, and should not be treated as established information.
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