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A potassium-rich diet helps women’s heart health

A potassium-rich diet helps women’s heart health


  • Researchers say eating a potassium-rich diet can help improve heart health, especially for women.
  • They say that a diet high in potassium, among other things, helps lower sodium levels in the blood.
  • According to experts, potassium-rich foods include bananas, potatoes, beans, and spinach.
  • Eating lots of fruits and vegetables, minimizing processed foods, and exercising regularly are said to help maintain heart health.

Eating a potassium-rich diet helps women improve their heart health.

According to it’s new study Published on European Heart Journal..

Among them, researchers investigated the effect of eating a potassium-rich diet on blood pressure in nearly 25,000 participants (11,267 men and 13,696 women).Participants were from EPIC (European ProspectiveInvestigation into Cancer)-Norfolk study1993-1997 recruited people between the ages of 40 and 79 in Norfolk, England.

The authors of the study reported that potassium consumption (grams per day) affected blood pressure in women who consumed the most salt (sodium). Researchers said that as women’s potassium intake increased, their blood pressure decreased.

They also found that in women with the highest salt intake, every 1 gram of potassium added daily reduced systolic blood pressure (maximum blood pressure) by 2.4 mmHg.

However, in men, no significant relationship was detected between potassium and blood pressure.

Researchers followed up study participants after a median of nearly 20 years. They found that people with the highest potassium intake had a 13% lower risk of cardiovascular events than those with the lowest potassium intake. Cardiovascular events were defined as hospitalization or death due to cardiovascular disease.

Over time, men’s potassium intake became important.

“When we analyzed men and women separately, the corresponding reduction in risk from getting enough potassium in the diet was 7% for men and 11% for women,” the study authors write.

They also stated that the relationship between potassium and cardiovascular events is the same regardless of salt intake, suggesting that potassium has other ways to protect the heart in addition to increased sodium excretion. rice field.

Dr. Danine FrugeA medical director at the Prettykin Longevity Center in Florida, she says this trend has been witnessed among clients for the past 20 years.

“Most people, including men, have made some important adjustments to their daily lives to show a striking improvement in blood pressure,” Fruge told Healthline.

“Interestingly, this study concludes that men may not respond as well as women on the potassium side alone, but they still respond,” she added. “In my experience, men, like women, respond to changes in their overall healthy lifestyle.”

“Many people may have forgotten the importance of potassium in their diet,” he said. Amy BraganiniMS, RD, CSO, Oncology and Nutrition Specialist, Trinity Health Lacks Cancer Center, Michigan, and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Bragagnini says the study not only points to the importance of reducing sodium in the diet, but also focuses on getting more potassium in the diet.

“Americans tend to be familiar with salty foods. Foods high in sodium tend to be convenient (ie fast foods and pre-packaged foods) and in the preservation process to make preserved foods more stable. So it’s probably more affordable, “Bragagnini told Healthline.

“People who tend to eat while running, or who don’t take the time to plan a healthy diet, may not have many essential nutrients in their diet, especially potassium,” she adds. I did.

For most people, Fruge says that a natural and safe way to increase potassium in the diet results in increased intake of vegetables, fruits, and other healthy sources of potassium.

These can lead to a reduction in processed foods that contain salt.

Fluge’s Healthy Blood Pressure Tips

  • A combination of eating healthy fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce processed foods that reduce salt intake
  • Increased physical activity
  • Moderate weight loss.

Potassium-rich food Braganini suggests:

  • potato
  • beans
  • tomato
  • Yogurt
  • banana
  • spinach
  • Leafy vegetables

“I always remind patients that frozen fruits and vegetables can be as healthy as fresh ones,” Braganini said. “I love keeping frozen spinach (and other leafy vegetables) on hand. It’s very easy to thaw and drain, and can be added to soups, stews, and even spaghetti sauces.”

Or, if you have bananas that can “get worse,” I suggested chopping them into small pieces, freezing them, and using them in a healthy yogurt smoothie.

“Canned white beans are another great option filled with potassium,” Bragginini added. “The texture is smooth and after rinsing well, it can be added to simple recipes such as homemade hummus, sautéed with chicken and vegetables, or combined with whole wheat pasta and sauces. “

Taking potassium from food is more effective than taking potassium supplements, says Fruge.

She says the risks of taking potassium supplements include cardiac arrhythmias, especially in people with impaired kidney function.

“Unfortunately, many people with high blood pressure and diabetes are unaware that they also have the underlying kidney disease,” said Fruges.

If she is taking blood pressure, diabetes medications, or potassium supplements, she recommends discussing a personal diet plan with a doctor who can adjust the medication and monitor blood levels.

Talking to a nutritionist can help you adjust your specific goals to your current behavior.

For example, Braganini says the first thing to do when counseling people to get enough potassium in their diet is to know what a typical diet day looks to them.

“I’m trying to get the big picture of meal schedules, budgets, grocery shopping, and meal preparation,” she said. “If my patient eats only one or two servings of fruits and vegetables and not yogurt or beans, I’ll give you some ideas for making minor changes and gradually increasing your intake. . ”

Braganini, for example, says he offers a variety of food choices when grabbing food in a drive-through.

Braganini’s potassium-rich fast food hacks include:

  • Choose spinach salad if possible
  • Skip french fries
  • Choose baked potatoes topped with broccoli
  • Ask to double the tomatoes in the sandwich




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