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Women are more likely to have persistent taste problems after covid-19 than men

Women are more likely to have persistent taste problems after covid-19 than men


Approximately 11 to 15% of women appear to have problems with their senses of smell and taste at least 6 months after developing covid-19 if they have initial sensory problems, but 1 to 3% of men have problems with their senses. Not too much.


July 27, 2022

Image of human head showing how covid-19 affects sensation

Covid-19 can affect the olfactory bulb (pink, upper center), which relays information from taste receptors to other parts of the brain.

Design cell / scientific photo library

Up to 15% of women who experience odor and taste problems after acquisition COVID-19 There may be long-term problems with the senses.

Benjamintan At the National University Hospital in Singapore, his colleagues analyzed 18 clinical studies from around the world to investigate the prevalence of smell and taste problems caused by covid-19 and how long they last. The study recorded people’s symptoms during the recovery process, including a total of 3699 people.

10.8% to 14.7% of women could have odor and taste problems that lasted for at least 6 months if the first sensory problems occurred after the onset of covid-19. Equivalent numbers for men were only between 1.4 and 2.9 percent.

Tan says there are several possible reasons for this. “Healthy women have a better sense of smell than already healthy men,” he says. “This may mean that they may be more aware of their diminished sense of smell and taste.”

Another factor could be the hormone estrogen, which women tend to have more.It is known Promotes the production of ACE-2 proteinThe SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes covid-19 is used to invade cells, says Tan.

The team also found that people who showed symptoms of stuffy nose due to covid-19 were more likely to have long-term problems with their sense of smell. It’s unclear why this happens, but Tan says the virus may have invaded the lining of the nose and caused inflammation.

“The stronger the inflammatory response, the more crowded the nose can be,” he said, which can cause more damage to the cells of the sensory neurons. He added that it may be more difficult to recover from this.

According to Tan, the team did not have enough data to determine if there were differences in covid-19 symptoms among people of different ethnicities or other groups.

“The results seem very reasonable,” he says. Shamil Haroon At the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. “The discovery that stuffy nose increases the risk of persistent sensory and taste dysfunction is interesting because it may be treatable.”

“There is a hypothesis that some long Covid symptoms are caused by overactivity of mast cells, which can cause stuffy nose, which could be treated with antihistamines and nasal steroids,” Harun said. say.

Journal reference: BMJ, DOI: 10.1136 / bmj-2021-069503

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