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What Parents Need to Know About Monkeypox and Schools This Fall

What Parents Need to Know About Monkeypox and Schools This Fall


18 August 2022 – Should parents of young school children be concerned about monkeypox?

recently, At least 9 children in the United States He tested positive for monkeypox. Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics says the risk of children contracting the virus is low.

Still, “children and adolescents are more likely to be exposed to monkeypox if they live in or have recently traveled to areas with high infection rates,” the Academy said.

As the new school year officially begins, learn more about how to prevent the spread of monkeypox.

What are the symptoms of monkeypox in children?

Monkeypox infection in children manifests in the same way as it manifests in adults. The most common symptoms of monkeypox in children and adults are skin rash According to the CDC, it looks like a raised ridge.

Paulette Gray Riveria, M.D., family physician and regional medical director for the Louisiana Department of Health, says you can tell if a rash is monkeypox in ways that change over time. Pox rashes change from flat at first to raised, fluid-filled ones that eventually crust and eventually slough off and be replaced by a new layer of skin,” she said. says.

Monkeypox sores usually appear all at once and go through various stages together. It is less common for scars to form at different stages. headachefatigue, and swollen lymph nodes It’s common in children with monkeypox, but it doesn’t show up in all cases, according to the CDC.

Are children at risk of serious illness from monkeypox?

Carlos Oliveira, M.D., a pediatric infectious disease doctor at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital in Connecticut, said most monkeypox cases are “self-limiting” and go away on their own without treatment.However, the American Academy of Pediatrics cautions against infants, young children, children with weakened immune systems, and those with skin conditions such as: eczema If you have monkeypox, you are more likely to become seriously ill.

of CDC They also said that children under the age of 8 who are infected with the Congo Basin variant of monkeypox are more likely to have severe infections. (Though, the monkeypox variant now circulating worldwide is the West African variant and is known to cause a milder illness.)

How can schools prevent the spread of monkeypox?

The monkeypox virus is spread primarily through direct contact with the fluid in the monkeypox rash. This can occur through skin-to-skin contact or by touching items that have come across an infected person’s rash. Towels, bedding, clothing, toiletries, shared utensils, etc. can all spread monkeypox. There is a nature.

of CDC He also says that poxviruses like monkeypox are hardy. Researchers found the live virus in the house of a monkeypox-infected person 15 days after he left the house.

The good news is that the strategies schools are already using to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can also be used to prevent monkeypox. ‘ says Riveria.

For older students, such as high school students, “the best preventive measure is awareness,” says Riveria. She says it’s important for young adults to know what a monkeypox rash looks like, how monkeypox spreads, and where they can get health care and treatment.

Young adults “should avoid contact with anyone who has monkeypox or has been exposed to the virus,” she says. “Awareness is important, but aligning that awareness with responsible behavior is just as important.”

Are there monkeypox treatments and vaccines for children?

Dr. Oliveira says the drugs Tecovarimat and Gineos vaccine can be used to prevent severe monkeypox infections in children.

Tekovirimat is a drug that can treat viruses in the same family as monkeypox.It is FDA approved for treatment smallpoxHowever CDC It can be used for severe monkeypox infections. A 28-month-old child was given tecovirimato and had no adverse side effects, according to the CDC, but there are no studies of how the drug affects children.

The Jynneos vaccine was approved in 2019 to prevent smallpox and monkeypox in adults. This month is, FDA Granted Emergency Use Authorization to vaccinate children under the age of 18 who are at risk of severe disease from monkeypox.However, pediatricians need FDA clearance to administer Gynneos vaccination To the children, according to Oliveira.

For mild cases of monkeypox, the World Health Organization says the focus should be on relieving symptoms and managing complications. Potentially contaminated objects should be avoided and personal protective equipment such as gloves should be used when handling contaminated objects. People with monkeypox are contagious until all lesions have crusted and healed, says Oliveira.

“CDC recommends that people with monkeypox should stay in the hospital. isolation Because of their disease course, it usually lasts two to four weeks,” he says. is also recommended.”

Liberia reassured parents that monkeypox can cause more serious illness in children than in adults, but “so far we have not seen this theoretical risk materialize.” I let

“Parents should be vigilant, but not hypersensitive,” she says.




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