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Airbnb presents IconsBollywoodStar Jahnvi Kapoor opens the door to her legendary, never-before-seen family home in Chennai

Airbnb presents IconsBollywoodStar Jahnvi Kapoor opens the door to her legendary, never-before-seen family home in Chennai


Mumbai, India, Can 2024: Today, Airbnb introduces Icons, a new category of extraordinary experiences curated by the world's biggest names in music, film, TV, art, sports and more. Icons take you to worlds that until now only existed in your imagination. Sleep at the Ferrari Museum. Stay in the Princes Purple Rain house. Spend a day at Bollywood Icon Janhvi Kapoors coastal abode. Today, we're revealing the top 11 icons on Airbnb, with new experiences coming around the world throughout the year.

Icons bring to life experiences that are magical and truly beyond imagination, said Amanpreet Bajaj, Managing Director, Airbnb India, South East Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. As part of the launch of Icons, we are delighted to partner with Janhvi Kapoor for this special campaign, which will offer an unprecedented glimpse into Janhvi's coastal home, he added.

As part of the launch, Bollywood superstar Janhvi Kapoor opens the doors to her family's estate in Chennai for an experience like no other. Known for her charming on-screen performances, Janhvi will be hosting two groups of two guests each at her coastal abode as part of this special promotional campaign.

About the house: Janhvi Kapoors seaside paradise

Nestled on four acres of serene beachfront, Janhvi Kapoors coastal home is a sanctuary of tranquility and warmth. The home was the scene of many childhood summers spent with his beloved family and will now be available to select Airbnb guests for the very first time. Guests will have the privilege of immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of the Kapoor family legacy and being able to relax like their favorite Bollywood star during their stay.

Janhvi will personally welcome guests and take them on an exclusive tour of her home. From the handcrafted marble lotus sculpture adorning the entrance of the house and bringing positive energy and good luck, to the expansive interior spaces decorated with bamboo, rattan and marble, the entire house is designed for ultimate relaxation. At the heart of the home are the minimalist living room, the dining room rich with treasured family memories, Janhvis's dressing room where she develops her natural skincare and the airy master bedroom. Towards the rear of the house is an extensive garden dotted with palm trees and fountains, with a large swimming pool and a shaded gazebo providing an idyllic place to relax and enjoy a outside sunset.

My most cherished memories are the summers spent with my family in our home in Chennai. This place has always been like a sanctuary and I want to share this special feeling with my fans. This is why, for the first time, I am opening the doors to our house on Airbnb. I'm excited to share our family's rituals with Airbnb guests who will have the opportunity to relax like the Kapoors relaxing by the pool, enjoying some of our favorite foods, practicing yoga, trying my mother's natural skincare recipes, and most importantly, creating special memories. I'm thrilled to be a part of the Airbnb Icons category and look forward to welcoming Airbnb. guestsHouse, shared Janhvi Kapoor.

About the stay: Live like Bollywood star Janhvi Kapoor

Through this experience, fans will not only get the chance to meet Janhvi, but also get to spend a day in her life doing the things she loves the most. The elements of the stay include:

Embark on a private tour of the house with Janhvi as she shares her precious memories of times spent here.

Treat yourself to some relaxation time as Janhvi reveals her all-natural skincare routine and reveals her best Bollywood beauty secrets.

Savor the flavor of South Indian cuisine with Janhvis' favorite dishes including Ghee Podi Rice, Andhra Biryani, Pesarattu Dosa and Palkova.

Awaken your senses with a morning yoga session amid breathtaking views, followed by a delicious breakfast.

Keep personalized keepsakes from Janhvi as keepsakes of this unique experience.

How to book:

Reservation requests open at 6:30 p.m. IST on May 12, but the countdown begins on May 9. So stay tuned!

Two groups of two guests each will have a unique opportunity to book these stays at 0.

Guests will be responsible for their own travel to and from Chennai, India.

Other global icons opening their doors include Grammy-winning artist Doja Cat, TikTok sensation Khaby Lame and reggaeton superstar Feid.

Icons like Janhvi Kapoors stay are featured in their own category, making them easy to find on the Airbnb homepage. A countdown timer shows the time until each icon goes live, and customers can request to reserve it in the app. The lucky selected guests will receive a digital golden ticket for this experience.




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