Britain eases virus quarantine as siege
Britain on Friday exempted dozens of countries from quarantine regulations as coronavirus epidemics slowed in Europe, but excluded the United States as pandemics accelerated across the Americas.
With Europe reopening after the unprecedented blockade, travelers arriving in the UK from more than 50 countries will no longer have to be self-isolated for 10-14 days.
Meanwhile, the EU has approved the use of the antiviral drug lemdesibir against COVID-19. This is the first treatment approved by the United States to address this disease, although it has purchased most of the world’s strains.
However, news became more and more serious throughout the Atlantic, with the United States recording 53,000 new cases of COVID-19, with Latin American infections surpassing those in Europe for the first time.
Since its outbreak in China at the end of last year, the coronavirus has touched almost every country on the planet, killing at least 10.8 million people and killing 521,000 people worldwide.
The World Health Organization called on countries that were hit by serious outbreaks to “wake up” to reality rather than quarrel with reality.
“People need to wake up. The data is not a lie. WHO Emergency Director Michael Ryan told a Geneva journalist. “It’s never too late to be epidemic.”
– “Resume of the nation” –
In Europe, as the Northern Hemisphere summer begins, countries are trying to safely revive the struggling tourism sector.
England has published a list of countries that allow travelers. Mainly covers Europe but not Portugal. It covers the Caribbean, Australia and New Zealand.
The US and mainland China have been omitted in particular.
“Today is showing the next step in carefully resuming our great nation,” British Secretary of Transportation Grant Shaps said of the change, explaining the two-week quarantine policy imposed in June. I overturned it.
However, the exemption only applies to arrivals in England, where Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have so far adhered to a total ban.
Many of the countries on the English list now allow travelers from the UK. The UK has been hit by one of Europe’s most deadly coronavirus outbreaks, killing at least 44,000 people, but with lower infection rates and a gradual alleviation of the three-month lockdown ..
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called on people to act “responsibly” prior to the so-called Super Saturday, when the pub reopens after more than three months of closure.
Other European countries are looking to the future while watching what lessons they can learn. French prosecutors said they have begun investigating former Prime Minister Edouard Philip’s response to the virus crisis after resigning Friday.
– “Growth” –
While the majority of the planet sought to return to near-normal status, the United States surged over 50,000 new infections for the second time in two days on Thursday.
Currently, the epicenter of the pandemic, the United States records nearly 129,000 deaths in more than 2.7 million cases, and is expected to record the third million infections next week.
The so-called “Sunbelt” states of the South and West are forced to reclose their restaurants, bars and beaches, and are keenly looking at the 4th July Independence Day celebration.
Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis condemned the proliferation of “social interactions” between youth at parties, beaches, bars and pools, and more “robust” testing programs.
In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott ordered more than 20 county people to wear masks and banned more than 10 gatherings amid a surge in infection.
In California, meanwhile, hospitalization increased 56% in two weeks.
The countries that resumed their economies earliest and earliest after the pandemic struck and against advice from the federal health authorities are now experiencing the highest case loads.
However, President Donald Trump was accused of addressing the crisis and highlighted positive employment data showing that 4.8 million were reinstated in June.
“Today’s announcement proves that our economy is booming,” Trump said. “The crisis is being dealt with.”
– Latin American incidents surge –
Incidents are rising rapidly throughout Latin America.
The region currently has the second highest number of cases in the world, with 2.73 million, representing Europe with 2.71 million, second only to North America.
However, in Latin America and the Caribbean, there are still fewer deaths than in Europe, with nearly 122,000 compared to nearly 200,000.
Brazil, the largest economy in the region, has the second largest number after the US, around 1.5 million confirmed cases.
Nevertheless, the popular tourist city of Rio de Janeiro has approved reopening of bars, restaurants and cafes with 50% capacity.
Colombia is the region’s fourth-largest economy, with more than 100,000 cases, while Peru has surpassed 10,000.
But in Asia, rapid blockade is making great progress against the disease.
Beijing, the Chinese capital, had lifted most travel restrictions a few weeks after the outbreak of a new wave of infectious diseases.
The global search for coronavirus vaccines continues, but there was hope.
On Friday, the European Commission, the executive body of Brock, approved the use of the antiviral drug lemdesibir to treat the new coronavirus. Two US studies have shown that hospital stays can be shortened.
However, the United States earlier this week announced that it had purchased 92% of all lemdecivir production by the end of September by the California-based Gilead Labs.
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