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How do mosquitoes find humans so easily? | | Smart News

How do mosquitoes find humans so easily? | | Smart News


female mosquito

Woman egyptian temple mosquito
Amy E. Lockwood / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Anyone who has ever experienced subtle pain mosquito bites And that sharp slap in the affected area probably made you wonder: Why are mosquitoes so good at chasing down humans? manyready to suck the nutrient-rich blood from its next victim.

A new study offers a possible explanation: Mosquitoes have a highly sophisticated olfactory system that gives them a supernatural ability to smell. paper was published in a magazine last week cell.

For decades, scientists believed that an animal’s sense of smell functioned in a fairly rudimentary way: each sensory neuron that carries information picks up a particular odor and relays that data to the brain. Different types of these neurons can be combined to discriminate more complex odors, but each neuron has only one receptor for a particular odor.

With this in mind, researchers gene editing technology To keep pesky insects from sniffing out humans.They disabled specific human odor receptors in sensory neurons in female antennae egyptian temple mosquito. (Because the sting relies on blood, only female mosquitoes bite. nourish the eggs.)

Scientists expected these tweaks to interfere with neurons’ ability to detect body odors in humans and pass that information on to the brain. However, when they exposed the mosquitoes to human scents and analyzed their neural activity, they noticed that the mosquitoes still sniffed.

To find out why, they took a closer look at neurons through RNA sequencing. They found that a single olfactory sensory neuron may contain multiple receptors, not just one as previously assumed. This means that if one of the human odor receptors isn’t working for some reason, the bug has a backup.

Researchers also don’t know why mosquitoes’ olfactory systems have this redundancy built into them, but one possible reason is that the vast variety of genes they can encounter when searching for blood It may be in the smell.

“People smell very differently,” he says. Meg YoungerA neurobiologist at Boston University and one of the study’s authors, science news“Erin García de Jesús. ‘Maybe this is the setup for finding humans regardless of what kind of body odor they emit.'”

Zika virus

Zika virus under the microscope

Cynthia Goldsmith / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Scientists are working hard to understand how mosquitoes find their prey. responsible for taking over Dengue, Zika, West Nile, yellow fever, malaria, chikungunya and many other pathogens dangerous to humans.mosquitoes worst animal on earth, Over 700,000 dead It causes millions of preventable diseases each year.

“They really are the ultimate predator,” says Omar Akbari, a biologist at the University of California, San Diego. Atlanticof Catherine J. Wu. “There is not a single person on earth who has never been bitten.”

This new study reveals that editing genes associated with insect odors is likely not an effective way to stop insects. , suggesting that attention and resources should be directed to other methods, such as creating better traps and repellents. not out Mosquito offspring become non-biting males.

As Christopher PotterA biologist at Johns Hopkins Medical School, he said he was not involved in the study. new scientistAccording to Corryn Wetzel of , these and other related studies “change the dogma of what we thought we knew about the olfactory system.”




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