New poll suggests most adolescents care about their appearance
A majority of young people and teens are self-conscious about their appearance, a new national poll suggests.
According to the CS Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s, nearly two-thirds of parents say their child feels insecure about some aspect of their appearance, and one in five teens Young people say they avoid scenarios such as being photographed because they are too self-conscious. Health of the University of Michigan Health.
“Kids start to form an opinion about their bodies and look much younger,” says co-director of Mott Paul, an expert in childhood obesity and a pediatrician at the University of Michigan Health CS Mott Children’s Hospital. One Susan Woolford, M.D., M.P.H.
“These findings support research that when children receive unhealthy messages about social ideals, it can lead to a lower self-image of themselves. If taken, mental health and emotional well-being may decline and increase.There is a risk of eating disorders, depression and low self-esteem.”
The nationally representative report is based on responses from 1,653 parents with at least one child aged 8 to 18, surveyed in April.
weight, skin condition Acne Hair was the most common cause of anxiety, with fewer parents citing height and facial features. I answer yes.
Parents of teens are also more likely than parents of younger children aged 8 to 12 to report that their child feels insecure about their appearance (73% of teenage girls , 57% of young girls and 49% of younger boys, compared with 69% of teenage boys). .)
As children grow older, they become more self-aware, more likely to compare themselves to their peers, and may be influenced by media depictions of beauty and the most desirable body types, faces, and appearances.
It is developmentally normal for adolescents and teens to experience anxiety, but if it interferes with their ability to socially interact or enjoy other activities, they may need help.
Susan Woolford, MD, MPH, Childhood Obesity Specialist, Pediatrician, University of Michigan Health CS Mott Children’s Hospital
Nearly a third of parents say they are aware that their child makes negative comments about their appearance. Of the parents who say their child cares about their appearance, nearly 1 in 3 feel it is affecting their child’s self-esteem, and 1 in 5 say it influences children’s willingness to participate in specific activities.
Other parents, mostly teens, also say their children avoid being photographed, try to hide their appearance with clothing, or restrict what they eat because of anxiety.
At times, negative self-thinking can also be reinforced by others, the poll found. , says his child was mistreated. The most common parental reaction is to talk to the child about the incident. Less often, keep your child away from the person making the hurtful remark or speak to the person who made the comment.
Overall, parents surveyed feel that face-to-face interactions have a greater impact on how their children see themselves than social media. But a parent who describes their child as self-conscious about their appearance is twice as likely to say their child is more influenced by social media.
Woolford offers parents five ways to foster a positive body and self-image in their children.
Become a self-love role model
If a parent is constantly slapping themselves or making negative comments about their appearance, you can expect your child to follow suit.
“Kids see every time you step on the scale and sigh about needing to lose weight or point out your shortcomings in the mirror,” Woolford said. “Let’s lead by example and teach them self-love and respect.”
Instead of looking good, give thanks for all the powerful things your body can do, like taking a walk, biking, or swimming to make you feel good.
embrace body diversity
When you hear your child commenting on someone’s size or appearance, whether it’s someone you know, someone you know on a TV show, or a stranger, you should come in different sizes and shapes and have different characteristics.
For younger children, look for children’s books that celebrate body diversity and positivity and read them together.
Avoid “positive” compliments about your appearance
Especially for young girls, adults tend to make meaningful comments praising a child’s beauty, Woolford says.
But this type of emphasis gives importance to physical appearance and reinforces the message that someone “looks better” and is more deserving, says Woolford. It may exacerbate young people’s worries about being self-critical.
Instead, adults should focus on the child’s personal qualities, not on the child’s body, hair, face, or clothing.
Promote family ties through healthy activities
Woolford says families should connect through fun exercise and healthy eating, not because they “must” or because someone is on a diet. It promotes healthy habits and focuses on using nutrition and exercise to make your body feel better rather than how it looks, helping prevent unhealthy diets later in life. She says it’s possible.
Regular, positive family meals also help parents stay connected with their children, foster open communication about their concerns, and facilitate opportunities to work through problems together.
teach them to critically evaluate the media
Children are surrounded by unrealistic ideals. Models in magazines and actors in our favorite TV shows and movies are often of a similar body type and thin, but influencers, celebrities and even their peers use filters and editorials. often used to enhance an image.
Encourage your children to be critical of what they see on TV or social media and see how “perfect” certain images are.
“Parents can teach their children to be media literate and savvy, so they understand that the depictions of perfect bodies, faces and appearances from advertising, the media and even their own friends do not reflect reality. can do.
Limit your time on these types of channels if necessary.
“By laying a strong foundation of healthy attitudes, parents can help their children develop a positive body image throughout adolescence and adulthood.
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