Sailor takes last chemotherapy pill over Ben Nevis and celebrates all clear from cancer
![Sailor takes last chemotherapy pill over Ben Nevis and celebrates all clear from cancer Sailor takes last chemotherapy pill over Ben Nevis and celebrates all clear from cancer](
sailor diagnosed with cancer At just 19 years old, he celebrated doing it all.
For Ciaran Daniel, now 23, from Hull, don’t blame cancer for your love of outdoor activities and adventure.
Daniel discovered he had cancer while serving in the Royal Navy in the Persian Gulf, conducting anti-piracy and anti-drug operations.
In the beginning, he was still a teenager, so he let some symptoms go away.
“It was a physically demanding job, so when I noticed I had a lot of bruises, I thought it was due to the nature of my role,” Danielle said.
“I also felt quite tired, which was easily explained by how hard my job was.”
Ciaran sought medical advice when she noticed blood in her urine.
“I was sent to a private hospital in Dubai where I had a blood test,” he said. “When the results came back, they didn’t even know how I managed to get into the building. My blood levels were very low.
“In hindsight, I think being so healthy and physically fit was what kept me going.”
Ciaran underwent a bone marrow biopsy, which revealed his devastating diagnosis.
“On New Year’s Eve 2018, I received word that I had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
“I was pretty tired when I called my family to tell them I had leprosy because of the medicine I had for my biopsy. I had to.
“I remember seeing the Burj Khalifa lit up for the New Year from my hospital room and thinking that it didn’t come as planned.
“At 19, I thought I was invincible, so when I found out I had cancer, it was a real shock.”
That’s when I was told I had acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a highly aggressive cancer that affects white blood cells.
While serving in the Royal Navy in the Persian Gulf, Ciaran flew back to England on a private jet, where he underwent three years of medical treatment.
But even while Ciaran was undergoing intravenous chemotherapy, he was still going out and doing active things.
“I probably shouldn’t be doing that kind of therapy, but I couldn’t sit still,” he recalled. “I was climbing, kayaking, surfing, hiking. I was hooked and energized.
Ciaran was able to see his parents daily who were staying in the hospital’s on-site accommodations.
“I was on intravenous chemotherapy with pills and spinal injections,” he said.
Seven weeks later, Ciaran moved into the Fisher House lodgings where her parents were staying and visited the hospital daily for treatment.
“I stayed there until October 2019, when I was finally able to return to Hull and go back to my monthly appointments while continuing chemotherapy at home with a tablet.”
However, Ciaran’s chemotherapy treatment ended in May of this year after he was completely clear of the cancer.
Outdoor activities were such an important outlet for him during his treatment that it seemed only natural that he would celebrate the news outdoors as well. So he climbed Ben Nevis.
“A friend and I were planning to go to Scotland for the weekend and do some walking,” he explained. .
“But we got to the base of Ben Nevis, looked at each other, and said, ‘Why?
Ciaran and his friend hiked a 1,345-meter-high mountain in the Scottish Highlands, and when they reached the top, Ciaran heard his phone ring.
“It was a reminder to take my meds,” he shared. I decided that
Ciaran’s friend filmed him taking his last pill.
Since then, Ciaran’s scans have come back sharp, and now He raises awareness of the Teenage Cancer Trust.
“The Teenage Cancer Trust unit was spot on and the staff saved my life,” said Ciaran. “They also helped me with things I didn’t want to cause trouble for my family, which was great support for me.
“The Teenage Cancer Trust is a great charity and has helped me a lot. I want people to know what they are doing.”
Have a story to share?
get in touch by email [email protected].
more : Living with Cancer: How Support from Friends and Family Helps and Tips for Living Yourself
more : My father built an AirBnB treehouse without waiting for permission because of cancer
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