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These are the best (and worst) foods for your mental health

These are the best (and worst) foods for your mental health


We always talk about physical health and diet. Of course, the food we eat provides our bodies with the nutrients they need to function. But our relationship with food goes much deeper than that. There are social and emotional connections that can affect how we feel mentally.

What you eat can alleviate or exacerbate mental health symptoms. Don’t worry; dietary variations are natural and won’t harm your mental health. food is fuel for your body and mind. Here are foods to eat and foods to avoid to improve your mental health.

You can also prioritize your mental health. cherish meal times and focus food that makes you happy.

Foods that boost mental health

natural food

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In general, it is best to eat as much nutritious and balanced food as possible. diet as possible. Most of it will be natural food. According to research, A diet rich in natural foodsas well as fruits and vegetables, can reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. Reduce anxiety and relieve tension Eating healthy food makes you feel happier.

You are eating for your brain as well as your body. Focusing on foods that are beneficial for enzyme function ensures that your brain functions properly. If you’re not sure where to start, consider the Mediterranean diet. improve memory, cognition When Age-related brain atrophy. Ah systematic review It turns out that sticking to a healthy diet like the Mediterranean diet can reduce your risk of depression. This diet includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and seafood.

complex carbohydrates

There are several reasons why complex carbs are good for your mental health. First, it gives you energy without crashing like sugar. Second, complex carbohydrates help support a healthy body, which is directly tied to our mental health. take dietary fiber, for example. This is a complex carbohydrate that is essential for a healthy gut. Did you know that gut health controls serotonin production in the body? 95% of serotonin made in the intestine. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter It acts as a mood stabilizer in the brain.

Complex carbohydrates are great for dieting. They boost mental health and have higher nutritional value than simple carbohydrates like sugar. Brown rice and starchy vegetables are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates.

Close up of a person eating a salad rich in omega 3.

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Leafy vegetables

Leafy greens are one of those all-inclusive foods that are versatile and nutrient-dense. Many of them are essential for our brains. Leafy greens contain vitamins and minerals such as: magnesium, folic acid, Vitamin D When B-12nutrients such as folic acid produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good and satisfied.Vitamin D is production of serotonin, helps to lift the mood.You can also eat leafy vegetables Delayed cognitive decline as we get older.

lean protein

I take amino acids from protein we eatAmino acids are involved in the production of important neurotransmitters such as dopamine. When dopamine is out of balance, Disorders like depression, schizophrenia or addiction may occur. Lean protein also helps maintain serotonin levels, which lowers the risk of mood disorders.

lean protein Skinless poultry, fish, eggs, Greek yogurt, and nuts are the priorities in your diet.

fatty acid

Omega 3 fatty acids are Important for proper brain and functions of the nervous system. Simply put; your brain cannot develop, function, or age without omega-3s.when you run out increase the risk of Depression, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, Schizophrenia.

Eating fish, nuts, leafy green vegetables, and extra virgin olive oil will help you get the amount of omega-3s you need.According to research the omega 3 supplement It does not help treat depression when taken in addition to prescription antidepressants. No omega-3 supplements have been found. Helps prevent depression.

However, in the case of bipolar disorder, omega-3s may have an effect. Phospholipase is inhibited, disrupts the production of certain prostaglandins associated with mania. Simply put, consuming omega-3s in bipolar disorder can cause mania, so be careful with your intake.

Foods that harm mental health

Young woman looking at frozen pizza in grocery store.

Oscar Wong/Getty Images

trans fat

It’s no secret that fast food isn’t the best way to eat healthy. A diet high in trans fat can reduce serotonin production and increase inflammation. risk of depressionYou don’t have to be perfect in your food choices. Foods high in trans fats don’t hurt your mental health sometimes. However, they generally do more harm than good.

refined sugar

Refined sugar, no matter how delicious, is bad for your mental health. Sugary snacks can give you a huge boost of energy, but they also come with a violent crash as well. added sugar can endanger your body ability to cope with stressA diet with an excess of refined sugars also sets higher blood sugar levels. risk of depressionAll sugar causes a brain chemical imbalance in the brain.

Carbohydrate restriction is not so easy.Studies Show That Stopping Sugar Intake Can Mimic withdrawal symptomsReducing your sugar intake is a process. Start by reducing the obvious sources – soda, desserts, sweeteners. Then progress by deliberately choosing different foods.

processed food

Frozen dinners and ramen are so convenient that I often reach for them when I’m down. They offer pick-ups, but they never last. Unfortunately, processed foods are not only bad for your physical health, they can also affect your mental health.

A high intake of ultra-processed foods Anxiety and mild depression symptomsProcessed foods can cause inflammation in the body, especially in the gut, impairing the production of serotonin.


Caffeine is an integral part of many people’s lives. To be clear, you can drink caffeine in a healthy way, Effects on anxiety and stress levels.

Caffeine is a stimulant that helps us focus and pay attention. It does this by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure. mimic anxiety symptoms You become tense or anxious. If you’re living with anxiety, it’s essential to watch your caffeine intake.Tasting is also possible herbal tea for anxiety As a substitute for coffee or soda.The tea is shown in lower cortisol levels Help you relax.

A woman with a cup of tea looking out the window.

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For many people, alcohol and mental health are intertwined and often used to alleviate symptoms. While it may soothe feelings of depression and anxiety at the moment, high alcohol use exacerbates the symptoms. depression, mood disorders When anxiety.

Drinking alcohol and eating candy and fast food won’t hurt your mental health be be careful what you eat You can boost your mental health.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health purposes, be sure to consult a physician or other qualified Talk to your healthcare provider.




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