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Constipation all the time? These 8 could be signs of serious

Constipation all the time? These 8 could be signs of serious


constipation or irregular defecation It can be very uncomfortable, and you may lose your appetite, feel nauseous, have stomach pains, or even feel exhausted due to the overstraining to urinate. Although it is said to be a disorder of habits, it is not uncommon for symptoms to be alleviated by reviewing eating habits and adding exercise to habits. However, in many cases, chronic constipation can be a sign of an underlying illness, and in some cases can even be life-threatening if not addressed in time. Until cancer, constipation can be one of the symptoms of these deadly diseases. (Please also read: Food that relieves constipation naturally and makes bowel movements easier

“We know that about 18% of the country’s total population suffers from stomach-related disorders. Despite that number, stomach pain can be the first sign of several major health conditions. Not many people are aware that it is sexual,” said Dr. Mangesh Borkar, Gastroenterologist and Consultant at Manipal Hospital, Kalady Pune.

According to Dr. Borkar, stomach pain associated with constipation can be a sign of common intestinal problems such as diarrhea, stomach cramps and gastritis, which are very common even in children.

“In order to understand what causes the stomach ache epidemic, it is important to know the symptoms and causes. Occasionally, frequent cases of consistent abdominal pain or constipation may indicate a potentially dangerous condition.” The expert adds

If you have chronic constipation or abdominal pain, it may indicate these serious complications, explains Dr. Borkar in detail.

1. Diabetes

When the body can no longer regulate blood sugar levels, it can lead to many complications such as nerve damage, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Diabetes damages nerves in the abdomen and intestines, restricting the smooth movement of food, causing pain and constipation. Constipation and stomach pain are symptoms of this common condition.

2. Appendicitis

Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix and usually requires removal of the appendix for treatment. Initial symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, and diarrhea.

3. Hypothyroidism

A condition in which less than the proper amount of thyroid hormone is present, slowing down the body’s processes. Bowel movements are also slowed for the same reason, causing digestive problems. A severe state of hypothyroidism causes confusion, weakness, and drowsiness that can be life-threatening.

4. Neurological disorders

Many neurological disorders, such as spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease, can cause NBD in patients with constipation and fecal incontinence.

5. Colon cancer

Constipation, changes in bowel habits with weight loss or decreased appetite, or bleeding from the rectum may be the main symptoms of colon cancer.

6. Pancreatitis

This is a condition that refers to inflammation of the pancreas that can cause cyst formation or internal bleeding. Stomach pain that radiates to the back with or without vomiting, nausea are some of the common symptoms.

7. Cholecystitis

A condition in which gallbladder stones are formed with inflammation. It may present as abdominal pain.

8. Gastroparesis

This condition is especially a risk factor for diabetics with symptoms such as dull stomach pain and discomfort from constipation. Proper control and early detection of diabetes are key to treatment.

“The diseases mentioned are progressive in nature and cannot be ignored. Timely diagnosis and treatment are key to avoiding the accumulation of life-threatening conditions. If you experience pain or discomfort along with other symptoms, and if you have nausea, you should see a doctor for a physical examination, who will identify your symptoms and perform the necessary tests to cure your illness.” Dr. Borkar said.

“Apart from that, lifestyle also plays an important role in determining the progression of these diseases. Therefore, special attention should be paid to gut health and the number of high-fiber foods in the diet should be increased. At the same time, a person must stay hydrated and increase water intake, as it dilutes harmful substances in the body.In addition, it is necessary to increase physical activity throughout the day and avoid bowel movements. It should not be suppressed, ”adds the expert.

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