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Romulus Movement Coordinator Trained Xenomorph Actor

Romulus Movement Coordinator Trained Xenomorph Actor


The big picture

  • Movement coordinator Alain Gauthier explains the importance of helping an actor connect with their body.
  • Gauthier believes that the body communicates truths that words could not express, explaining that the body knows what it is doing before the mind.
  • Gauthier Discusses Training a Newcomer to Play a Xenomorph in Upcoming Fede Álvarez Film
    Extraterrestrial: Romulus

In the world of cinema, where every action tells a story, having someone who specializes in guiding actors' movements is essential. Movement coordinator Alain Gauthier is known for his work on major films like Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes And Extraterrestrial: Romulus. In a conversation with Collider's Perri NémiroffGauthier shared an overview of his approach, drawing on various techniques and experiences.

Gauthier's cinematic journey began with Kingdom of the Planet of the Apeswhere he helped actors like Owen Teague And Kevin Durand with their movements. He explained that physical acting involves using different methods to help actors better understand their bodies. Techniques like Feldenkrais and Jacques Lecoq are part of this approach.

“There are many techniques. What happens in physical play is that you bring together different movement techniques. The basis is that you want someone to guide you in becoming aware of your body. So, you will pass through Feldenkrais, you I will even cross some of them Jacques Lecoq of France. There are many different techniques. Usually it's a choice of elements that exist.

“For me, they go back 1,500 years to the Shaolin monks,” Gauthier explained. “But anything that allows someone to be in their body and be conscious is an asset, because then you realize that your psychological character, the personality that you create here in your mind, has a reflection. The body don't lie, and if you're not in the body, the body might not do what you think it's doing.

Gauthier believes that the body communicates truths that words could not express. For example, he noted that the direction a person looks while speaking can reveal whether they are being honest or not. He emphasized that our bodies react before our minds, which is why it is crucial that actors are aware of their physical presence.

“Actually, the head, the thinking you, the controlling you, is the last one to get the memo. Your body is already reading me while I'm talking to you before the words come out of my mouth. It's In my eyes, they're called mirror neurons – they focus – and all animals have this quality. And so the important thing to remember is that you shouldn't ignore the body.

Train a Xenomorph to move like a real creature

A woman, seen from behind, in a dark corridor, walks towards the light in Alien: Romulus
Image via 20th Century Studios

In Extraterrestrial: Romulus, Gauthier faces a new challenge: preparing an actor to play an imposing Xenomorph. He used his expertise to train the actor intensely, focusing on every detail of the movement. He explained:

“Wow, it was an experience. I absolutely loved every moment. I had to prepare a gentleman who is 7'7” and severely disabled. He has very serious handicaps, and in the physical game you always use what you have as an asset, and we went in that direction. The company that designed the whole costume for him did an incredible job, and he completely surrendered to my body work and woke up six weeks later.
he's on set and people are fascinated by his incredible talent and say, “My God.” He was not an actor; he had never played before.
And so, I started with the body, and then we moved to the voice and the question, “What is the character?” Where is he going? Who is the character? But we started with the body and built it from what it had to offer, and it became the perfect creature for that moment. »

As Extraterrestrial: Romulus is about to be released, Gauthier's work highlights the importance of movement in filmmaking. His dedication to helping actors portray their roles authentically continues to impact the industry. Stay tuned for Nemiroff's full conversation with Gauthier, Kevin DurandAnd Owen Teague.

Extraterrestrial: Romulus hits theaters on August 16.

Alien Romulus Poster

Extraterrestrial: Romulus

Young people from a distant world must face the most terrifying life form in the universe.

Release date
August 16, 2024

Fede Alvarez

Main genre
Science fiction

Fede Alvarez, Rodo Sayagues

Scott Free Productions

20th century workshops




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