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Scientists reveal how different cancer cells ‘cooperate’ to help spread incurable childhood brain tumors

Scientists reveal how different cancer cells ‘cooperate’ to help spread incurable childhood brain tumors


Human DIPG cells (orange) grown on mouse brain 'slices' (light blue) treated with the combination of trametinib and dasatinib.

Scientists have unraveled how different types of cancer cells in aggressive childhood brain tumors interact and cooperate to spread.

The team uses mathematical modeling to provide a framework to detect, measure, and map interactions between different types of cells in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG). other parts of the brain.

Researchers from the Cancer Institute in London led the study, was announced in cell report.

They suggest that targeting and blocking interactions that allow cells to cooperate and invade surrounding areas will be a new therapeutic strategy that is urgently needed for this now incurable childhood cancer. I am hoping for

Cells in Tumors Cooperate

DIPG tumors are composed of multiple subtypes of cancer cells. In 2018, a team of scientists from the Institute for Cancer Research (ICR) discovered the first evidence that cells of different subtypes within tumors can cooperate for resources, rather than competing for resources as is commonly believed. bottom..

Their new findings show, for the first time, that some subtypes have a positive impact on others in terms of how cells spread, suggesting that this pediatric cancer screening and treatment approach could be useful. We are opening up new avenues for development.

Research funded by cancer research uk, investigated the interaction between two different subtypes of cancer cells (labeled VI-E6 and VI-D10) when grown together in the laboratory. The VI-E6 subtype was able to spread further when grown in co-culture with VI-D10.

Cooperate to more than double the spread

Using deep learning to process images from laboratory experiments, scientists identify interactions that helped one cell subtype cooperate and help the growth and spread of other subtypes. I was able to. Factors such as space limitations.

While previous models investigating cooperation between cancer cells focused on growth, this groundbreaking study is the first to measure interactions that influence how tumor cells spread and invade surrounding areas. Thing.

Researchers have demonstrated that cells behave differently when cultured together in the laboratory rather than in separate environments. Culturing the two different subtypes together more than doubled her tumor spread.

When the two different cell subtypes were grown together, researchers found that cancer cells were able to spread and invade larger areas. One subtype migrated and diffused faster, while the other slowed down. This can be divided into symbiotic interactions in which one subtype benefits without harming or benefiting the other, and exploitative interactions in which one subtype’s fitness is enhanced and less compatible. is emphasized. of the exploited subtype.

Toward better personalized treatment options

This finding indicates that interactions between DIPG cell subtypes play an important role in helping tumors enter and spread into the local environment, and how this childhood cancer progresses. I am deepening my understanding of

In this way, researchers provide a framework that can be applied to more cancer types. By providing a way to identify and measure these cellular interactions, the effects of treatments can also be investigated.

Researchers are increasingly recognizing the importance that differences in cancer cells within a single tumor have on therapeutic outcomes. Their hope is that identifying and measuring interactions between cancer cell subtypes may lead to better and personalized treatment options.

The study was co-led by Prof. Chris Jones and Prof. Andrea Sottriva, former team leader of ICR’s Center for Evolution and Cancer.

Attack Tumors by ‘Disrupting Positive Interactions’

Research co-leader Professor Chris JonesProfessor of Pediatric Brain Tumor Biology at the Cancer Institute, London, said:

“This childhood cancer is very difficult to treat. Nearly all children with DIPG die within two years, and new treatments are urgently needed.

“We are beginning to understand how different cell types in DIPG interact and interact with each other to fuel disease.

“By combining deep learning and advanced mathematical modeling with data, we provide a framework for detecting, measuring and mapping these interactions. We hope that facilitating interactions between cell subtypes will lead to new ways to test and develop therapeutics that attack tumors.”

“Stop cancer progression”

Study author Dr. Haider Tali said: Evolutionary Genomics and Modeling Team The Cancer Institute in London said:

When one subtype cooperates with another to promote tumor growth and spread, it is important to target and block this cooperation, with the goal of halting cancer progression.

“This groundbreaking study provides a way to identify whether and to what extent cells are interacting, and the framework could potentially be applied to different types of cancer.”

“Discovery research brings hope”

Dr Laura Danielson, Research Leader in Children and Adolescents, Cancer Research UK, said:

“This study demonstrates the power of mathematical modeling to better understand how cancer cells interact and spread.

“Although more research is needed to understand how these interactions can be potentially targeted, discovery studies like this will lead to more effective treatments for children and adolescents with cancer. It brings hope to the development of therapeutics.”




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