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Tips from the Queen of Colonoscopies

Tips from the Queen of Colonoscopies


It’s Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month! Colorectal cancer is his third leading cause of death in the country, and is expected to claim an estimated 53,000 American lives this year, according to the American College of Colorectal Surgeons.

As a Lynch syndrome patient, I have had multiple colonoscopies in the last 20 years. Having Lynch syndrome puts you at an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Those of us with Lynch syndrome have an up to 80% lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer. .

During a colonoscopy, a doctor examines the lining of the colon and rectum for abnormal growths or polyps that may develop into cancer. Early detection and removal of these growths can greatly reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Since my oldest brother was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at age 35, my gastroenterologist recommended that I start a colonoscopy at age 25 because of the strong family history of colorectal cancer in my family. I was. Before I discovered that I have Lynch Syndrome.

I had more colonoscopies mayo clinic More than I can count – those are no big deal. One of the most important issues I hear people complain about is liquid preparations that clean the colon. So the doctor has a clear picture of the colon. Another issue I see is with scope placement. Yes it goes up your rectum. Luckily, this part is likely sedated and you won’t remember or feel anything. Talk to your doctor to see if sedation is an option.

This is what I do to make the whole colonoscopy preparation process more bearable.

A few days before scoping, reduce your food intake to make the liquid preparation process more tolerable and comfortable. Eat simple things like pasta or clear soups and drink lots of clear liquids. Avoid high-fiber foods such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, raw vegetables, fruits, dairy products, red meat, and fried foods as they can leave residue in the colon. I avoid it because it can dehydrate you and makes it harder to clear your colon. I’ve also noticed that avoiding carbonated drinks can help, as they can cause excessive gas and bloating.

On the preparation day, I try to stick to a clear liquid diet and consume clear soups that contain sodium. Sodium keeps you hydrated and prevents your veins from collapsing during the placement of your IV. help you to

Drink obscene amounts of chilled prep through a straw to minimize its taste, followed by plenty of clear liquids, such as clear water with electrolytes. Drinking plenty of water can help keep your colon clean, prevent dehydration, and minimize nausea and headaches. After taking Prep, I spend more time on the toilet, but I read something and think of it as a process of cleansing. The goal of preparation is to make the liquid coming out of the rectum as clear as possible. I usually do most of my preparation by 2am and try to get a few hours of sleep.

Usually, I don’t want to finish the process and starve all day waiting for an appointment, so I schedule the procedure first thing in the morning. I was extremely anxious the morning of my endoscopy, so my gastroenterologist allowed me to take Ativan to calm my nerves. I shower, play uplifting music, and think of my brother Jimmy, who never had the chance to be as active as I was. He didn’t know he had Lynch syndrome when he died of colorectal cancer. Thank you lucky stars for letting me know that I had Lynch and had the opportunity to take care of my health and get tested.

When you arrive at the scope, you don your gown and the medical staff prepares you for the procedure. The nurse takes my vitals, asks questions, and makes me sign some forms. A doctor comes over and asks more questions before proceeding. The nurse puts an IV in my hand and the anesthesiologist gives me something to help me relax before going into my scope. takes about 30 minutes.

The room is cold and there are many nurses and a few doctors there. They may give me a warm blanket to keep me warm and ask what music I like to listen to before administering anesthesia. I always have them play Mozart. Fun fact: A small study found that doctors who listened to Mozart while performing a colonoscopy were more likely to find precancerous polyps.

Then comes the best part, the anesthetic. The anesthesiologist administered a sedative and before I lost consciousness he told me to start counting from ten.

I woke up about an hour into recovery and don’t remember anything about the surgery. The doctor will report to me if he finds anything abnormal and ask me to follow up with a gastroenterologist. I asked. I was still under the influence of the anesthetic that day, so after I left the hospital, I was strongly urged by the staff not to sign any contracts or make any major decisions in my life. Go back to your room, eat some medicine and go to sleep. It doesn’t hurt anywhere and my bowel movements return to normal soon.

A colonoscopy may not be the most enjoyable experience, but the peace of mind you get in knowing you’re taking proactive steps to protect your health comes at a small price.U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Colonoscopy recommended starting at age 45.

Talk to your doctor and schedule now. it might save your life.

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