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Pasco County Mosquito Control Center closely monitors mosquito populations

Pasco County Mosquito Control Center closely monitors mosquito populations


Odessa, Florida — A room full of mosquitoes is usually a bad sign, but Pasco County Mosquito Control DistrictMore mosquitoes in the lab means fewer mosquitoes in the garden.

mosquito control center


“This is our insectarium, and we deliberately keep mosquitoes here for many reasons,” said Executive Director Adriane Rogers.

In the laboratory, adult mosquitoes fly around countless cages.

“We use adult worms to monitor resistance to the products we use. effective in controlling them.”

Larvae swim in a bowl of water.

mosquito control center


“There are mosquito larvae here. These are commonly called wigglers. You can make yourself a mosquito in your own backyard,” she said.

Research done in small, warm laboratories is especially important now. There are about 90 species of mosquitoes in Florida. About 50 species live in Pasco County. South Florida is teeming with new mosquito species.

RELATED: Culex pipiens, a new tropical mosquito species discovered in Florida, is ‘concerning’, say researchers

“Here in Pasco County, we have a very close relative of that mosquito. because there is.”

Pasco County has about a dozen disease-carrying mosquito species. One is a new cousin discovered just south of us.

Mosquito research is a job that requires only a nasty sting. We also need chickens.

chicken in mosquito control center


There are chicken coops all over the county. They are being monitored by PCMCD, which takes blood samples to test for disease exposure.

Chickens are retired when they test positive. Many chickens live on private property. Retired chickens are allowed to stay on the property. Fortunately for owners, food and eggs are unaffected by exposure.

Chicken exposure is one tool for understanding where problem mosquitoes are flying, but traps give you an even better picture.

“For a passive trap, a collection of 100 or more indicates that you need to focus on that area. Mosquitoes are really what we’re looking for.And that’s when we move forward with additional control measures.”

Carbon dioxide is set in the trap. Some can even count the number of mosquitoes flying inside, offering an opportunity to get data in real time.

“The two things we look for when doing adult mosquito surveillance are mosquito species. That way, we can really focus on our control efforts.And we know where to spend more resources to fight mosquitoes. and crushes the pressure of its imago.

Then there’s the preventive side of things.

In the air, helicopters spray solutions intended to kill the larvae, mainly in hard-to-reach areas such as marshes and marshes.

mosquito control center


The solution is sprayed on tree borders and falls into the water.

On land, trucks can visit neighborhoods or spray tall grass near bodies of water.

Then there’s Argo, an amphibious ATV that goes from land to water. Designed to coat plants with herbicide. These plants are home to about three species of mosquitoes that burrow into the plants. No vegetation means no mosquito habitat.

“We bring together a variety of staff to form a very comprehensive and integrated mosquito control regime.”

All the work that has been done is to ensure that journeys outdoors are as comfortable and safe as possible.

mosquito control center





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