Active people had more than 50% less fatigue in long-term COVID-1 compared to sedentary people
The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, has claimed more than 6.88 million lives worldwide. Many studies have reported long-term COVID symptoms. COVID-19 symptoms At least 2 months after diagnosis or 1 month after recovery from an acute illness requiring hospitalization.
study: Impact of physical activity on muscle fatigue in sports in active adults with COVID-19: an observational study.Image credit: p.ill.i / Shutterstock
Long-COVID can be classified into two distinct forms, prognostic and symptomatic. The severe form of long-COVID is the development of thromboembolic complications, while the mild form is associated with dyspnea and muscle fatigue. Clinicians and scientists are therefore focused on identifying groups most likely to develop COVID-19, and individuals who develop severe infections are more likely to experience long-lasting dyspnea and muscle weakness. We observed a higher risk of fatigue/weakness.
Notably, comorbidities such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, and cardiovascular disease associated with increased severity of COVID-19 were not associated with long-term COVID-19 development. A recent study conducted in Italy found that most COVID-19 patients experience persistent fatigue, dyspnea, joint and chest pain after discharge from hospital. A meta-analysis of 250,000 individuals also noted that the most persistent and common long-term COVID symptoms were fatigue, sleep disturbance, dyspnea, and muscle pain.
Fatigue is the most frequently reported Long-COVID symptom, based on findings documented in several studies. Therefore, individuals such as military personnel and elite athletes who regularly monitor their physical performance were considered ideal candidates for his long-term COVID-19 study. These groups could long be used to formulate a cure for her COVID.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex multisystem disorder that causes extreme fatigue, orthostatic intolerance, cognitive impairment, and irreversible sleep. A common symptom of ME/CFS is difficulty performing minimal exercise. Some symptoms of long-term COVID and ME/CFS overlap, especially persistent fatigue.
About research
Recent diagnose A study in the journal identified the effects of physical activity on sleep, fatigue, and cognitive changes in individuals affected by COVID-19 over the long term. This study explores how COVID-19 affects individuals with active and sedentary lifestyles differently.
A total of 506 participants were recruited, of whom 138 were women. Many of the participants ski, which may be due to the proximity to the Dolomites. All participants had active lifestyles and underwent gradual stress testing one year before she contracted COVID-19 infection.
Participants were divided into four groups: competitive cross-country skiers (AA), mountain amateurs (MA), ski instructors (SI), and sedentary people (SP). Participants belonging to the SP group were considered the control group. All participants experienced persistent muscle wasting six months after the COVID-19-positive period ended.
Investigation result
The current study cohort consisted of a young population with a homogeneous lifestyle: an above-average degree of physical activity and experiencing long-term COVID symptoms (muscle fatigue). Importantly, previous studies have also reported this long duration of her COVID symptoms in pediatric and adolescent patients. A prominent biomarker related to training load is her level of TnC in her blood.
A rating of fatigue (ROF) scale range of 1 to 10, with 10 representing maximum fatigue, was used in this study. At the end of the acute phase of COVID-19, participants’ perception of fatigue was as high as 8 on the ROF scale, regardless of gender or category tested. Consistent with this finding, a previous study found that a study subject experienced anxiety, muscle weakness or fatigue, difficulty managing sleep, and depression six months after his end of the acute COVID-19 infection phase. has also been reported.
One year after acute COVID-19 infection, another observation was recorded. AA, SI, and MA groups with high exercise efficiency showed ROF scores close to 2. double height. These findings indicate that individuals with more active lifestyles experienced lower rates of common long-term her COVID symptoms.
In the current study, selected participants, regardless of gender, had significantly higher rates of fatigue 6 months after the end of the acute SARS-CoV-2 infection phase, along with other symptoms such as memory and attention deficits. was observed to have experienced Additionally, the majority of participants reported nonrestorative sleep.
The current study found a significant reduction in fatigue perception among the physically active category after 1 year of the acute phase of illness. It was not observed in normal humans. Longer observation periods are needed to understand whether and how fatigue can recur.
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