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O’Day introduces bill to focus on postpartum mental health

O’Day introduces bill to focus on postpartum mental health


Boston — Occurs in 1 in 7 parents.

Postpartum depression is very common in the first year after a baby is born and is caused by major chemical changes in the body.

What you need to know

  • Postpartum depression affects 1 in 7 mothers
  • Postpartum psychosis is much rarer, but much more serious
  • Bill introduced would screen mothers who commit crimes after giving birth with PPD or PPP
  • The bill has been submitted twice before and has been sent for study.Illinois passed a similar bill

Less common, but even more serious, is postpartum psychosis. This is a condition that disrupts a person’s sense of reality after giving birth.

In Massachusetts, the condition came to the fore in January when 32-year-old mother Lindsey Clancy allegedly attempted suicide by strangling her three children.

“This doesn’t happen in every pregnancy, but it can happen in every pregnancy, so it gives us the opportunity to better educate new mothers and new fathers,” said Rep. James O’Day, D. -Massachusetts) ).

This isn’t the only time new mothers have hurt or killed their children. And because of this rare but serious event, O’Day decided to expand mental health assessments to postpartum women who have committed crimes and provide resources to new parents across the state to ensure that something tragic happens. We want to get help before it happens.

“During my years as a social worker, I ran into some evil people. They were evil,” O’Day said. “I don’t think a psychotic mother falls into that category. At least I recognize the possibility that something else is dramatically going on in the mother to produce this kind of psychopathic behavior.” I think you should keep it.”

O’Day introduced legislation this week to address postpartum illness in criminal cases. Crimes committed by postpartum mothers require a mental health assessment.

It will also create a new centralized resource on postpartum mood and anxiety disorders.

“Pregnant women should not be ashamed of being identified with mood disorders or anxiety, but they should be aware that there are treatments for it.

The bill has been submitted twice in the past and has been sent for study. Now, O’Day speaks with experts and says similar legislation was recently passed in Illinois.

We have resources for all new and prospective parents Postpartum Support International (PSI) If you are concerned or would like to be better educated about postpartum depression and psychosis, explore those resources.

in an emergency

National crisis text line:
You can text 741741 for any type of crisis at any time from anywhere in the United States.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline
call 988

Call or text the helpline

Call 1-800-944-4773 (4PPD)
english spanish

English text: 800-944-4773
Text in Spanish: 971-203-7773

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

Call or Text 1-833-943-5746
in english and spanish




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