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5 exercises for maximum stability

5 exercises for maximum stability


if you want strong core, you have to go deep. This means ignoring the all-famous rectus abdominis (the “six pack” is also functionally important, but it gets enough attention) and focusing on the innermost muscles that provide athletic performance to runners. means stable they need to be properly maintained shape In particular, miles are added, Malaise enter.

Deep core exercises target muscles that aren’t necessarily associated with a regular core workout. i.e. transversus abdominis, multifidus, pelvic floor, and the diaphragm. “Exercising the core muscles is important in running performance and helps the larger muscles work optimally. TS fitness in New York City, runner’s world.

Benefits of Deep Core Exercise for Runners

Deep in the core is the base of the runner. If it’s weak, you’re building on unstable ground, and you’re not maximizing performance. performance, says Tamir.Worse, you may struggle injuryas the deep core stabilize the pelvis and hold rotate Check for lateral flexion (or side-to-side bending) of the torso. In other words, your body is better positioned on the road so no single muscle or tendon is doing extra work or moving in a suboptimal way.

Programmed by Tamir, the following exercises target the deep core while: gluteus maximus, hamstringsand diagonal. 3 circuit can be used alone core workoutOr, you can run one round every day to keep your strength up and your core ready for a run.

How to use this list: Perform the following exercises in order for the number of reps listed below. Completing a total of three rounds, he rests 30-60 seconds between sets.

Each move is demonstrated by Tamir in the video above so you can learn proper form.

1. Dead Bug Knee to Elbow

Deep Core Exercise, Dead Bug Knees to Elbows

Noam Tamil

Why it works: “The transversus abdominis helps stabilize the pelvis while running,” explains Tamir. “The dead bug knee to elbow is a great exercise to strengthen those muscles.”

How to: Lie on your back, raise your legs, and bend your knees. Gently place your hands behind your head, lift your chest, and bend your spine upward so that your knees and elbows meet. This is the starting position. Keeping your core tight, straighten your right leg and extend your right arm behind you. Return your arms and legs to their original positions. Then repeat on the left side. Continue alternating. Repeat 10 times on each side.

2. Groot Bridge March

Deep Core Exercise, Glute Bridge March

Noam Tamil

Why it works: groot bridge March targets the rear chain, including gluteus maximus and hamstringsbut also hits the deep muscles of waist (multifidus) and, to a lesser extent, the transversus abdominis,” says Tamir. “You’re also resisting turning your hips, so your obliques are working.” Tamir’s top tip: “Be careful not to overstretch your hips by setting the bridge too high. ”

How to: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Run through your heels and contract your glutes to lift your hips toward the ceiling. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. This is the starting position. Keeping your hips up and your knee bent, lift your right foot off the floor and pull your right knee toward your chest. Return to starting position with your right foot on the floor and repeat with your left foot. Continue alternating. Do 10 marches on each leg.

3. Forearm plank walkback

Deep Core Exercise, Forearm Plank Walk Back

Noam Tamil

Why it works: “forearm board The walkback takes the regular plank and makes it more challenging by extending the levers, working harder the transversus abdominis and multifidus muscles. This will core muscle It improves a runner’s performance,” says Tamir.

How to: Lie face down on the mat, toes pointed, elbows under shoulders and support with forearms. Lift your hips off the mat, keeping your back straight and your abs engaged. Engage your glutes and legs to keep your hips from lifting or sinking, and your body to form a straight line from heels to head. Keeping your toes up, step your right foot an inch or two behind him and follow with your left foot. One at a time, he lowers his legs a few more inches back, allowing his body to move back. Go as far as you can while maintaining proper form. Using small steps, walk your feet forward until your shoulders are over your elbows. That’s one rep. repeat. Repeat 8 times.

4. Copenhagen Plank

Deep Core Exercise, Copenhagen Plank

Noam Tamil

Why it works: copenhagen board Helps strengthen obliques. adductor muscle It’s connected to the hip joint,” says Tamir. “The obliques also help keep your lower and upper body working together while running, controlling your torso rotation and lateral flexion.” Tamir recommends resting your top leg on a high surface.

How to: Lie on your right side, place your right forearm on the ground, your left hand on your hip, straighten your leg, and slightly stagger your left leg behind your right. Lift your hips and right leg off the ground and bend your right knee 90 degrees over him so your right foot hovers a few inches off the ground. Hold for 20 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.

5. Bear plan lift

Deep Core Exercise, Bear Plank Lift

Noam Tamil

Why it works: “Many people’s days are spent sittingtighten hip flexor, pulls the pelvis to the forward position. This releases your core and puts pressure on your lower back,” says Tamir. Bear Her Plank Her lift helps prevent slippage by working the transversus abdominis muscles.

How to: Start on all fours, with your shoulders above your wrists and your knees below your hips. Engage your core and upper arch of your back, pull your shoulder blades apart, and activate your transversus abdominis. Lift your knees off the ground and hold your breath. Bring your knees back to the ground. repeat. Repeat 8 times.




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