How contagious is RSV? – Cleveland Clinic
“Only children get infected with RSV.”
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It’s a phrase you’ve probably heard a few times over the years. respiratory syncytial virus RSV for short has been around for a long time, but has been in the spotlight since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when schools closed, mask-wearing and other public health measures were put in place. interrupted the normal seasonal pattern. Now that RSV is all the rage, misinformation about RSV is spreading as fast as the virus itself.
RSV is not “just for kids”. It is a highly contagious respiratory virus that can infect anyone and, perhaps more importantly, spread. Symptoms are mild for most people, indistinguishable from the common cold. However, in vulnerable populations, RSV can be the cause. pneumonia again bronchiolitiscan lead to hospitalization and, in some cases, death.
Talk to an infectious disease specialist Ryan Miller, DOLearn more about how contagious RSV is, how long it stays contagious, and how to prevent its spread and keep people at risk of complications safe.
How is RSV transmitted?
RSV, like influenza, is seasonal, starting in the fall and peak in winter. It is usually spread by respiratory droplets. The estimated R0 for this virus is 3. That means each person infected with the virus is expected to spread the virus to her three other people. One reason RSV is so contagious is that people can spread it before they develop symptoms, Dr. Miller explained.
“RSV is primarily a problem in nursery and school settings,” Dr. Miller points out. “Infection spreads among people who don’t cover their coughs, prevent their sneezes, or wash their hands.” Children then carry the virus home and infect their families.
RSV also tends to spread rapidly in group living settings such as skilled nursing homes and group homes.
Hospitals are also places where viruses can spread. That’s why people hospitalized with respiratory syncytial complications are usually isolated from other patients, and that’s why the teams of health care providers working with them wear masks and disposable plastic gowns.
Can RSV be transmitted from adults to children/babies or vice versa?
The idea that only children can infect or spread RSV is widely misunderstood.
“RSV infects almost everyone,” Dr. Miller clarifies. “You’re not really immune.” In fact, you may have had RSV several times in your life without realizing it.
“Most adults do not become seriously ill with RSV,” he continues. “Many adults get the disease in the fall and winter, but we don’t hear much about it because they only get cold-like symptoms and get better quickly.
“We usually start testing children with symptoms, but they’re the ‘canary in the coal mine.’ When the number of children with RSV starts to rise, higher-risk populations worry about it.” It will be like this.”
People most likely to experience serious and possibly fatal complications from RSV infection are:
does not provide immunity to respiratory syncytial virus, teeth An RSV vaccine is now available and approved for adults 60 years and older. Dr. Miller recommends that all eligible adults receive the vaccine.
How long does RSV remain infectious?
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), RSV is usually contagious for 3 to 8 days. As with COVID-19, he could spread RSV before he knew he was sick. That’s why it’s so important to cover your coughs and sneezes and wash your hands regularly throughout the day, regardless of how you feel.
But if you’re feeling unwell, Dr. Miller recommends staying home and avoiding other people. and we know Masking helps prevent the spread of RSV because — like influenza – there were very few A case of RSV in the early stages of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
“If you don’t feel well, washing your hands, covering your coughs and sneezes, isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask are the best things we can do.” protect those we love‘ repeats Dr. Miller. Get the RSV vaccine if you are eligible.
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