How to Overcome Menopause Frustration Through Nutritional Choices
Menopause happens so slowly that most women don’t realize it’s happening until their weight changes and everything they’ve been doing to control their weight has become ineffective.
The Type A personality in us can’t understand why we can eat exactly the same things, exercise exactly the same way, and still not get the same results as before. Other threats of menopause, such as hot flashes, sweating, body aches, and insomnia, also begin to appear, opening a rabbit hole of helplessness and irritability.
Dr. Susan Oakley, a St. Elizabeth urologist and specialist in pelvic reconstructive surgery, addresses these and other concerns in her podcast. Lady Bod. Enquirer hopes to use her voice and other resources to help women navigate menopause as it relates to diet and fitness. (Meal tips that middle-aged men can also refer to)
What are the alarming symptoms of menopause?
Menopause occurs 12 months after the last menstrual cycle. Perimenopause (the period before menopause when the ovaries gradually stop functioning) begins between age 40 and his 44th, but can occur as early as his 30s. Night sweats, belly fat, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood changes, body fat distribution changes, sleep changes and weight gain are the most common symptoms at that stage of life.
But there’s also something that doesn’t always come: joint pain. food intolerance. Hair growth and hair loss in unwanted places. Forgetful. Pelvic muscle spasms (vaginal spasms). periodontal disease. body odor. Tingling in the extremities. Palpitations.
Remembering your weight is important for staying sane Peri-menopausal fluctuations are more related to hormones More than willpower, hormones like insulin, cortisol and leptin, but regulation of these hormones can often be done through nutrition and proper exercise.
What is leptin and how does leptin affect menopause?
A lesser-known hormone that is a bit erratic around menopause is leptin, which decreases with estrogen. So leptin is the body’s stop signal It will tell you when you’ve had enough. Binge eating and restricted diets can cause leptin levels to become unbalanced.
You may be eating healthy foods but not paying attention to how much you eat because you don’t feel full. Eat plenty of high-quality protein, such as chicken, lean meats, eggs, and Greek yogurt, and use smaller plates and bowls when portioning.
What can I do to help with insulin resistance?
What are the increasing uses for supplements and foods that can reduce symptoms of menopause?
Supplements are important for menopausal women, as it may not be possible to get all the nutrients they need through food. Vitamins and supplements are considered medicines when filling out doctor and hospital forms. So be sure to check with your doctor to see if these recommended nutrients in food or supplement form are right for you. Here are some supplements that may help you during and after menopause.
- magnesium – Not only does it help keep bones strong to prevent osteoporosis,, Magnesium helps with symptoms of menopause such as sleep disturbances and depression. You can find this heart-healthy nutrient in dark chocolate, leafy greens, seeds, and whole grains.
- Vitamin D – Vitamin D is best found in sunlight, Vitamins can help menopausal women Inflammation, hot flashes, brain focus, depression, bone health, high blood pressure, heart disease and more. Many foods are fortified with vitamin D, such as milk, cereal, and orange juice, but fatty fish such as salmon also contain vitamin D.
- Omega 3 – Women who suffer from joint pain, hot flashes, depression, vaginal dryness, and osteoporosis may find relief from their symptoms. omega 3 fatty acids. It also helps lower triglycerides and is good for heart health. Foods rich in omega-3s include chia seeds, flaxseeds, fatty fish such as tuna and sardines, walnuts, spinach, eggs and soybeans.
- calcium – Another important reason to take vitamin D is to aid absorption. calcium, is essential for maintaining bone mass and preventing osteoporosis. Sources of calcium include dairy products, beans, nuts, dark leafy greens, and fortified orange juice.
- Vitamin C – Best known for boosting immunity, Vitamin C is also important for collagen production in the body, which is essential for skin vitality. Antioxidant nutrients are another way to help with hot flashes.
- Biotin –
- Vitamin B6 or 12
- Turmeric –
- prenatal vitamins – Dr. Oakley said you can get most, if not all, of these supplements just by taking prenatal vitamins. This does not have to be used only by pregnant women.
- Estrobene – She also suggested using Estrobene, a plant-based supplement that helps relieve common symptoms. Depending on the version purchased, the product can target specific symptoms or provide comprehensive help. He said it’s best to check with your doctor before trying this over-the-counter supplement, as some oncologists may not recommend it for cancer patients.
What can we do now?
- Drink water: “The solution to contamination is always dilution,” said Dr. Oakley. She said menopausal women should drink 64 ounces of water a day to keep their bowel and bladder healthy. Avoid coffee, tea and carbonated drinks, she said.
- Watch out for inflammation. Estrogen is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. As estrogen in the body begins to decline, joints and other body parts begin to ache.Check your anti-inflammatory diet – and more mediterranean diet – or notice Which foods reduce inflammation Tomatoes, dark chocolate (not a typo), berries, fatty fish (salmon, tuna), etc.
- Know your new food intolerance. Your OB/GYN may recommend FODMAP elimination diet To solve this challenge, bloating and other gut health issues. Simply put, stick to a specific food list for a few weeks, then reintroduce the restricted foods into your diet to see what might be causing the problem. You may be surprised to learn that foods that were previously perfectly acceptable are now causing problems. Examples include gluten, enriched flour, dairy products, and refined sugar. When you stop eating, you’ll be shocked to find that your body isn’t as inflamed and your joints aren’t as sore as they used to be.
- Phytoestrogenic foods: Dr. Oakley recommends incorporating plant-based estrogens into your diet, such as leafy greens, garlic, and soy.
- Eat clean: Avoid processed foods, fried foods, and products with preservatives. Focus on fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Read the label to see what ingredients the food contains. Make unhealthy ingredients healthier, like using extra virgin olive oil instead of vegetable oil, oat or almond/nut flour instead of fortified flour, or Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. replace it with
- protein: become Consume good quality protein at every meal. Small changes in macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) can go a long way in controlling weight gain in middle age.
- Added Sugar, Added Pounds: People who follow you Dr. Mary Claire HaverA board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist in culinary medicine, she discusses tracking intake of fiber, omega-3, magnesium, and vitamin D on various social media platforms. She also advises keeping your added sugar intake below 25 grams per day. Again, you might be surprised at how much sugar is in “healthy” foods like yogurt. These added sugars can cause insulin resistance, a major obstacle to weight maintenance.
what’s next?
Stay tuned in June for more on fitness, mental health, exercise and cortisol.
Melanie Rahman is a 31-year veteran journalist and dance fitness instructor for the Cincinnati Enquirer. Have a question you’d like answered? Send an email to [email protected].
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