Diabetes will double by 2025, study says
The number of adults with diabetes worldwide is projected to reach over 1.3 billion by 2050. new research This is due to rising obesity levels, widening medical disparities, and a lack of understanding of the social nature of type 2 diabetes.
No country is expected to see a decline in diabetes rates in the next 30 years, the researchers said, so 529 million people with diabetes will be reported in 2021, more than doubling by 2050. Predicting.
“Diabetes will be the defining disease of the century. How the medical community deals with diabetes in the next 20 years will shape the health and life expectancy of the population for the next 80 years,” the report said. . studyThis paper was published in The Lancet and The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology journals.
Researchers involved in the study argue that type 2 diabetes is “mostly preventable and possibly reversible.” They added that the majority of cases are due to the rapid rise in obesity rates, which are caused by several factors such as socioeconomic status and inadequate medical care.
Systemic racism and “geographical inequalities” faced by minority groups have led to rising rates of diabetes, other diseases and mortality around the world, researchers say.
“In every country, people who are discriminated against and marginalized suffer the worst consequences of diabetes,” the researchers said. Said.
“In the United States, the burden of type 2 diabetes among adolescents has nearly doubled over the past two decades, with the highest burden being found among blacks or Native Americans.”
Experts agree on the apparent nature of the study and the urgent need to tackle inequalities and other factors that lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.
“This important study highlights the scale of the diabetes crisis we face both in the UK and globally,” said Chris Askew, Chief Executive of the British Diabetes Association. Guardian.
“The need for concerted action across governments to address the underlying conditions of poor health, such as inequalities in diabetes prevalence and diabetes outcomes, as well as living with poverty and obesity, was once felt. It has never been so big and so urgent.”
What are Diabetes Red Flags?
Diabetes symptoms are determined by blood sugar levels. People with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes may not show symptoms, according to . mayo clinic.
If you have these diabetes symptoms, consider seeing your doctor about testing your blood sugar.
Below are some common signs of diabetes. mayo clinic.
- Feeling thirstier than usual.
- Profuse urination and frequent urination at night.
- I feel hungrier than usual.
- Experience blurry vision.
- Lose weight without effort.
- Feeling tired and weak.
- Feeling irritable or moody.
- I have a wound that heals slowly.
- You have more infections than usual, including gum, skin, and vaginal infections.
You can also use it for free for 1 minute. risk test To learn more about type 2 diabetes risk and prevention, get information from the American Diabetes Association.
What Health Habits Prevent Diabetes?
It has been reported that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed by lifestyle changes such as increased physical activity and weight loss. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Before developing type 2 diabetes, most people experience prediabetes, a condition in which blood sugar levels are high but not enough to diagnose her with type 2 diabetes.
Prediabetes is reversible and type 2 diabetes is preventable.
If your blood test confirms that you have pre-diabetes, you are eligible to participate in the National Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Change Program. This program helps prediabetics recover from prediabetes through weight management, increased physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, and quitting smoking.
Here are some lifestyle changes that can help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, according to. American Diabetes Association.
- lose excess weight. You can manage your risk of type 2 diabetes by losing excess weight. Even losing 10 to 15 pounds can make a difference. Simple steps to help with weight loss include eating breakfast every day, reducing TV viewing to less than 10 hours per week, and cutting calories from meals.
- quit smoking: Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in your organs and can lead to unhealthy cholesterol and high blood pressure. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of diabetes. If you don’t smoke, choose never.
- Manage high blood pressure: Two out of three people with diabetes suffer from high blood pressure or are taking blood pressure-lowering medications. If you have high blood pressure, work with your health care professional to develop a treatment plan.
- Practice regular exercise. Regular physical activity makes cells more sensitive to insulin, so it works more effectively and lowers blood sugar levels. A simple way to do this is to take a walk or spend less time sitting.
- Form healthy eating habits: Eating well and being physically active are essential to preventing type 2 diabetes. Everyone’s body reacts in a unique way to different foods and diets.Use of diabetes plate method Helps create healthy meals that help manage blood sugar levels.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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