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Effect of COVID-19 on mental health in recent years


Effect of COVID-19 on mental health in recent years

There is no doubt that the obvious and current danger of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic has not yet been completely struck in many countries around the world. Mental wellness issues are becoming more prominent in countries that have failed to respond to past epidemics.

Schools and other institutions in some countries just announced that they will be closed until the end of the year. This is what they should have announced and acted on a few months ago. Scientific evidence is to prove that the lack of behavior against pathogens in January and February has compromised the United States’ ability to contain and mitigate the disease. There’s really no excuse for the fantastic thought that COVID-19 magically vanishes or is some sort of hoax. This episode in American history is one of the fools. Americans rarely experience the real catastrophes and crises of war, famine, and other acts of violence that affect everyday life in a very destructive way, as elsewhere in the world. As a result, in the United States, “Karen and Ken” do not understand the whole picture of real trauma and violence.

Having to deal with the anxiety caused by the current toxic mix of geopolitics and illness is a completely extraordinary environment. Emotions are beginning to fray during the many sociocultural fractures that occurred during the COVID-19 epidemic. Over 6 months after the infection and over a year ago, the report card is disastrous. Some societies can tolerate the spread of pathogens, while others do not.

Mental wellness may even apply to people frothing in the mouth beyond political boundaries. The “revolutionary” may be seen as suffering from “blood greed” for the moment’s opportunity to accomplish what might not be possible under normal non-pandemic conditions. Questions about behavior and messages are increasingly intertwined to create the Tower of Babel effect. This allows people to simply speak in tongues, adding mental pressure and potential physical side effects.

As analysts argue, the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated economic downturn have adversely affected many people’s mental health, creating a new threat to those already suffering from mental illness and substance abuse disorders. Creating a barrier. As the pandemic continues in 2021, the measures taken to delay the spread of the virus (social distance, business and school closures, evacuation orders, etc.) lead to greater isolation, leading to mental health problems. May increase your burden. And potential financial difficulties. These public health measures are necessary to prevent the loss of human life from COVID-19, but expose many to poor mental health outcomes such as social isolation and redundancy. Anxiety is becoming more common as people fear themselves and their loved ones to get sick and are not convinced of the effects of a pandemic.

Anger after anxiety: Anger beginning to turn discussion into more violent conflict. For the United States, the psychological damage of how the country is changing under the Trump administration has created a toxic story that harms both mental and physical health. Pandemics can have long-term and short-term effects on mental health and drug use. Both people with existing disabilities and those who are newly affected will probably need to expand their mental health and substance abuse services over the next few years.

Domestic violence is another factor that is dramatically increasing due to pathogens and their effects on mental health. The World Health Organization reports a 60% increase in domestic violence in April. COVID-19 and domestic violence effectively cause a double pandemic.

Suicide is also a major and increasingly troublesome problem based on the damage to the pandemic society. Researchers say that there may be 3,235 to 8,164 excess suicides in the United States after coronavirus as a result of economic shock, social distance, and what is described as an “unprecedented attack on mental health.” I estimated. Importantly, given that suicide prevention services are vulnerable to “burnouts” and pandemics are long-lived and malicious, COVID-19 expands many of these challenges and strains new resources available. I am putting on.

Over 6 months after the infection and over a year ago, the report card is disastrous.

Dr. Theodore Kalashik

If there is no broader effort to reverse the expanding scene of thieves, the limit is coming. However, most people are reluctant to manage the aftermath of a pandemic’s mental health, either by themselves or by others, because of the initial sense of self-identification ultimately identifying themselves. I don’t. Moral damage and burnout were prevalent among clinicians even before the advent of the pandemic. Addressing COVID-19 has expanded many of these challenges and added new challenges thanks to the reality of resource constraints.

There is no doubt that this pandemic will leave psychological scars for many Americans, but how large, complex, and how it interferes with the functioning of health-care workers depends on how the organization adapts. The full mental health effects of coronaviruses can take years to decipher, and only then can the necessary remedy that really helps be applied. The whole community is in jeopardy and a clear understanding of the future beyond COVID-19 is needed.

  • Dr. Theodore Kalashik is a Senior Advisor to Gulf State Analytics in Washington, DC, a senior politician at Rand, who has lived in the UAE for 10 years focusing on security issues. Twitter: @tkarasik

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the writers in this section are proprietary and do not necessarily reflect those of Arab News.


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