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How a 15-minute workout can strengthen your immune system

How a 15-minute workout can strengthen your immune system


A woman wearing a black T-shirt has her hair tied up in a ponytail.Share on Pinterest
New research examines the benefits of short training sessions.Svetlana Repnitskaya/Getty Images
  • A new study has found that short periods of exercise can help boost your immune system.
  • This is associated with the production of “natural killer” cells, a type of white blood cell.
  • The study was small and experts say more research is needed.

New research has found that just 15 minutes of exercise can improve your immune function.

of findingsIt has been announced. American Physiology Summit Researchers in Long Beach, California, this week found that short periods of physical activity increase the production of natural killer (NK) cells, a type of white blood cell that fights infected and cancerous cells in the body.

This study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

this is not the first time study Links exercise to increased levels of NK cells in the bloodstream. Additionally, the number of NK cells appears to increase within minutes of physical activity.

Researchers say the new findings add to a growing mountain of evidence. Targets NK cells in the body It may provide better protection against infections and diseases.

“These new results suggest that short periods of exercise are sufficient to activate the immune system and increase the body's natural killer cells in the blood circulation.” Michael FredericksonM.D., professor of physical therapy and rehabilitation at Stanford School of Medicine, told Healthline.

Frederickson was not involved in the study.

This small study involved 10 participants between the ages of 18 and 40.

Each participant was instructed to ride a stationary bike at moderate intensity for 30 minutes.

Researchers took blood samples from participants before they started cycling, and 15 minutes and 30 minutes later.

They found that NK cell levels increased after 15 minutes of cycling but did not continue to increase after 30 minutes of activity.

The researchers say this suggests that about 15 minutes of exercise can significantly increase NK cells, potentially providing meaningful protection against disease.

Unlike other aspects of the immune system, NK cells do not require prior exposure to pathogens in order to identify and attack them.

“Natural killer cells are white blood cells It helps destroy infected or diseased cells, such as cancer cells,” Frederickson explains.

NK cells are constantly on the lookout for malignant cells, and having more NK cells in the body may improve the prognosis of many types of cancer.For example, one report They found that the number of NK cells in the body was positively correlated with the survival rate of colorectal cancer patients.

according to Dr. Tracy Zaslowa board-certified pediatrician and specialist in pediatric and adult primary care sports medicine at Cedars-Sinai Karlan Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, says body temperature increases during and immediately after exercise.

Most bacteria and viruses multiply at normal body temperature, and as with fever, fever can make it difficult for them to survive.

Physical activity also decreases stress.

“Lower levels of stress hormones may provide some protection against disease,” Zaslow says.

This protects your mental health and reduces mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

“Stress and depression can cause symptoms such as: chronic inflammation It affects the body’s ability to fight infections,” Zaslow said.

Exercise improves sleep quality What is good quality sleep? critical components For optimal immune function, she added.

finally, exercise It can reduce and prevent the harmful effects caused by free radicals. oxidative stress — both contribute chronic health conditions.

Researchers have found that even short bouts of moderate-intensity exercise can have significant health benefits.

“15 minutes of exercise is more attainable for the average person, provides motivation to incorporate regular short exercise sessions into daily life, and can boost immune function,” Frederickson says.

Frederickson added that breaking up your workout into shorter exercise sessions can be just as effective as participating in longer exercise sessions.

His advice: “Any moderate-intensity exercise can help boost immune function. It's important to find an activity that you enjoy and can do regularly.”

Several option Includes brisk walking at a pace of 4 miles per hour, dancing, and water aerobicstennis, cycling, gardening.

Hiking, jogging, jumping rope, climbing stairs, and swimming are also effective.

The goal is to feel challenged. As a result, you're breathing more heavily than usual, but you're not completely exhausted.

Keep in mind that there can be too much of a good thing, says Zaslow.

Prolonged strenuous exercise can suppress your immune system, so it's important to let your body rest between exercises.

“The important thing is that regular physical activity while incorporating proper rest and recovery,” Zaslow said.

New research has found that just 15 minutes of exercise can improve your immune function. Short periods of physical activity increase the production of natural killer (NK) cells, a type of white blood cell that fights infected and cancerous cells in the body. This may help provide better protection against infections and diseases.




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