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World Health Day: Is fasting really good for your health?

World Health Day: Is fasting really good for your health?


The obesity epidemic has given rise to the idea of ​​adopting healthy trends and weight loss secrets. Fasting has scientific and religious implications in India and has often made headlines for helping people lose weight sustainably.

Recent Observational study by the American Heart Association They suggested that people who restrict their eating to less than eight hours a day are more likely to die from heart disease.

While time-restricted eating, commonly known as intermittent fasting, has reported some success, this study paints a very different picture.

Experts comment on this study and the concept of how healthy fasting can be.

Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy, head of the interventional cardiology department at Cauvery Hospital in Marathahalli, Bengaluru, disagreed with the study and said: Fasting is one of the best ways to extend your longevity.

“One of the best means to improve longevity is to eat less and fast. Fasting promotes lipolysis, thereby reducing body fat, especially visceral fat, and reducing insulin resistance. The effects of fasting will vary from person to person as different people have different metabolic rates and different levels of body fat,'' Dr Krishnamurthy told IndiaToday.In.

Dr Kalpana Janardhan, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Apollo Hospitals, said fasting has a positive effect on blood sugar levels in the body.

“Fasting may be Positive impact on blood sugar levels, blood pressure and brain function and cancer prevention. Intermittent fasting helps with weight management. However, the type of fasting and duration of fasting varies from person to person,” advised Dr. Kalpana Janardhan.

Most experts have proven that fasting is healthy for people, so how you do it is important.

Dietitian Phoebe Binodini said fasting can be healthy if practiced systematically.

she told IndiaToday.In. “During long-term fasting, glycogen stores are not available, so the body uses stored fat for energy. This is important for metabolic health, heart health, weight, blood sugar stabilization, blood pressure, and cholesterol. It is done because it can have an impact.” ”

Although fasting is good for your health, there are some people who should refrain from fasting. These include growing children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with high metabolic demands such as athletes and heavy workers.


Daphne Clarence

date of issue:

April 7, 2024

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