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You can reduce your risk by getting regular quality sleep.

You can reduce your risk by getting regular quality sleep.


An elderly woman sleeping.Share on Pinterest
New research has found that consistently getting quality sleep can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.Half Point Images/Getty Images
  • New study finds older adults who maintained good sleep quality over five years had lower risk of cardiovascular diseaseheat rash.
  • However, even those who had good sleep quality only at one point in the study had lower cardiovascular risk than those who had consistently poor sleep quality.
  • Although this study focused on poor sleep quality, sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sleep and health are closely related, and sleep deprivation is also related. linked They are more likely to develop obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and anxiety.

Although research shows the importance of quality sleep, many studies examine people's sleep patterns at a single point in time. But sleep habits can change throughout your life, so a single measurement doesn't always give a complete picture of your lifelong health.

To better understand how Changes in sleep patterns Researchers in China who studied the health effects looked at people's sleep patterns at two different points in time, several years apart.

Similar to previous studies, they found that high-quality sleep was associated with improved health. In this case, the risk of disease is lower. coronary heart disease And a stroke. These benefits were most pronounced in people who slept well at the beginning and end of the study.

However, they found that even people who only had high-quality sleep at one point in time had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who consistently had low-quality sleep.

The new study was published on April 23rd. JAMA network open.

The study included more than 15,000 retired workers from China who completed a questionnaire and underwent medical examinations at approximately five-year intervals. Researchers collected genetic data from some people and used that data to determine cardiovascular risk.

People who already had cardiovascular disease or cancer at the start of the study were excluded from the study.

Researchers used a questionnaire to determine the quality of people's sleep. “Good” sleep includes a bedtime between 10pm and midnight, 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, good or fair sleep quality, and nap Within 60 minutes during the day.

Researchers found that people who had “good” sleep patterns at both time points were more likely to have a cardiovascular disease event (coronary heart disease or stroke) than those who had poor sleep patterns at both time points. I found that the sex is low.

Even people who initially slept well but whose sleep worsened at subsequent visits had a lower cardiovascular risk than those who continued to be sleep deprived.

However, those who reported high sleep quality (sustaining good sleep) at both time points had the lowest cardiovascular risk. This included a 16% lower risk of coronary heart disease and a 34% lower risk of stroke.

When the researchers took into account the influence of people's genes, they found that those with a lower genetic risk of cardiovascular disease and favorable sleep patterns at both time points had the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease.

The lowest-risk group had a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and a 52% lower risk of stroke compared to people with high genetic risk and persistent sleep deprivation.

However, the results of this study show that even people with moderate or high genetic risk for cardiovascular disease benefit from good quality sleep, with the risk being 64% lower in the group with good sleep quality. was shown.

Therefore, “good sleep quality reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, even if genetic factors associated with cardiovascular disease are present.” Dr. Chen Han Chenan interventional cardiologist and medical director of the structural heart program at MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center in Laguna Hills, California.

He said the new study's results are similar to previous studies that used survey data to assess people's sleep quality. Dr. Safia S. Khana sleep disorders expert and associate professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and Neurology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

But this new study is one of the first to look at changes in sleep patterns and cardiovascular disease risk over time, she told Healthline.

somewhere else study In a study that assessed sleep quality at two time points, researchers followed middle-aged European participants for nine years. They found that people with high-quality sleep patterns, and those who improved their sleep habits over time, had lower cardiovascular risk.

These results are similar to those of this latest study.

Previous research has also shown that many people have consistent sleep patterns, with only 19% of participants changing their sleep patterns over the study period.

“For middle-aged people and retirees, sleep patterns do not change significantly from year to year,” Kahn says. “So, essentially, these people are [in the new study] They had the same type of sleep pattern before the study was conducted. ”

In short, she said, the study's results demonstrate a strong link between cardiovascular disease outcomes and sleep patterns.

Another unique aspect of this study is that it focused on retired older adults, who may have more natural sleep patterns than middle-aged adults, who often adjust their sleep habits to fit their work schedules. The authors write that this is true.

Although this study is consistent with previous research, it has certain limitations.

For example, the participants were all older Chinese adults, so the results may not apply to younger people or people from different racial or ethnic backgrounds.

Therefore, “more studies need to be gathered from other parts of the world to see if these results can be replicated elsewhere,” Khan said.

Additionally, this was an observational study and “doesn't necessarily show that poor sleep quality is the cause of cardiovascular disease,” Chen told Healthline, suggesting there is a link between the two. That's all I said.

“There may be other factors contributing to poor sleep quality and cardiovascular disease, such as depression and stress,” he says.

Researchers did not consider all of these other factors.

For example, “They don't look at other aspects of sleep quality that we think are very important, especially sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.” “We did,” Chen said.

Khan agreed.

“We don't know how many people have sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs, or other sleep disorders,” she says. “Or maybe her spouse has severe sleep apnea or snoring, which is annoying.” [people’s] sleep. “

Kahn believes future studies will need to take these other factors into account, but said that we already know that sleep quality is an important aspect of heart health.

The American Heart Association lists getting a healthy night's sleep as one of those things. 8 important measures Aimed at improving and maintaining cardiovascular health, as well as managing weight, managing cholesterol, eating better, and staying active.

“Whenever I talk to patients about improving cardiovascular health and cardiovascular risk factors, I always talk about sleep quality and ideas like: get good sleepwe also ask if they have been tested for sleep apnea,” Chen said.

In a study of more than 15,000 retired workers, researchers found that those who maintained good sleep quality over a five-year period had the highest risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly coronary heart disease and stroke. I found it to be low.

However, even those who got good quality sleep only at one point during the study had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who were sleep deprived throughout the study.

This study was based on a questionnaire to assess people's sleep quality, so it may not be accurate. Additionally, the researchers did not assess other factors that may influence cardiovascular disease risk, such as sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or depression.




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