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New vaccine could help treat children with skin disease

New vaccine could help treat children with skin disease


Girl applying lotion on her armShare on Pinterest
Skin lotion is one of the current treatments for eczema.Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images
  • Irish researchers say a new vaccine could help treat eczema flare-ups in children.
  • They say the vaccine will be tailored to children's individual “immune signatures”.
  • Current treatments include keeping the skin from drying out and moisturizing it with lotions.

A multidisciplinary team from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, study In today's diary JCI Insights Suggests that a 'customized vaccine' could effectively control bacterial eczema in children.

Researchers have identified a new cellular target for a vaccine after gaining a better understanding of how the immune response works in the case of eczema, which is caused by a common bacteria. Staphylococcus aureusBacteria.

eczemaAlso known as atopic dermatitis, it affects up to one in four children in Ireland, researchers said in a statement.

Characterized by dry, itchy skin and “weeping” sores when bacteria are involved, the sores can become more seriously infected and affect quality of life.

Although rare, eczema can lead to life-threatening systemic infections such as: sepsis (When bacteria enter the bloodstream and cause sepsis).

“We really need new options to treat and prevent infectious eczema flare-ups in children,” he said. Dr. Julian CroleyConsultant Dermatologist, Visiting Researcher at Trinity, The lead author of the study is statement. “Current strategies have limited efficacy, and even if they do reduce symptoms, their effects may be short-lived because symptoms often recur.”

“In some cases antibiotics are necessary, but with the growing problem caused by antimicrobial resistance, scientists are working hard to provide alternative options,” she added.

Dr. Crowley believes that these harmful factors, when combined, may limit the severity of eczema, produce long-lasting and good results, and potentially reduce the need for antibiotics. He said a vaccine made by the virus would be an attractive target, “while also reducing the risk of complications and potential disease.” The same goes for other atopic diseases such as hay fever and asthma. ”

The research team came from various departments at the university, including the School of Medicine, the Department of Statistics, and the Department of Computer Science.

Researchers said they had jointly uncovered an important “immune signature” in children with relapsed infected eczema.. Focusing on these characteristics provides new, specific targets that could inform the design of theoretical vaccines, the researchers said.

The team worked with 93 children, some as young as 16 years old. The researchers looked at immune responses among three groups: one with eczema and a known Staphylococcus aureus skin infection, and one with eczema but no Staphylococcus infections, and a group of participants without eczema.

The researchers said, “T cells(infection-fighting white blood cells) and other biomarkers differed significantly between groups. The human body contains different types of her T cells, each of which plays a unique role in controlling the body's response to infections.

In patients with infected eczema flare-ups, some of the key T cells that drive an effective immune response were suppressed, and the immune response was affected.

The researchers said their findings provide an early map for developing treatments that can effectively and targetedly reduce recurrent eczema flare-ups.

“The interaction between Staphylococcus aureus and eczema has been known for decades, but new scientific approaches continue to make important discoveries about the complex relationship between these bacteria and the human response to them. ” he said. alan irvinA professor of dermatology at Trinity University said in a statement: “Our study outlines new findings about how children with eczema respond immunologically to infection with this common bacteria.”

Rachel McLaughlinProfessor of Immunology at Trinity University and senior author of the study said the group identified an overall pattern of immunosuppression associated with flare-ups of infected eczema., As a result, specific T cells, which are essential for mounting an effective immune response, are suppressed.

“Further work is needed to widen the scope of these results by expanding coverage to more people,” McLoughlin said in a statement. “This will help us see whether the patterns identified are consistent across different age groups and among subgroups with higher ethnic diversity.”

Dr. Leslie Youngsaid the pediatrician and primary care physician at MemorialCare Medical Group in Lakewood, California. Today's medical news The two most important approaches to controlling eczema today are to prevent the skin from becoming excessively dry and to reduce the skin irritation caused by dryness.

“Because eczema is a chronic disease and the tendency of the skin to respond to dryness is determined by genetics and immune response, these strategies are only temporary measures to calm temporary flare-ups,” the study said. said Young, who was not involved. .

“Inflammation is usually controlled with topical steroids or immune inhibitors, both of which can cause serious side effects when used chronically,” Young says. “If an infection is contributing to eczema worsening, oral antibiotics are often used to stop the infection. All of these treatments are only effective in the short term.”

Young said the vaccine could help people whose eczema is caused by infection.

“I would be hesitant to recommend this vaccine to people who have never had eczema, because staphylococci colonize the skin of many healthy people and are often harmless,” Young said. Ta. “The natural presence of this bacteria on healthy skin helps prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. I am concerned about the unintended effects of altering the natural bacterial population on healthy skin. Masu.”

Dr. J. Wes Ulmsaid a medical researcher and bioinformatics expert who works as an analyst for the National Institutes of Health. Today's medical news This research is an interesting and potentially promising approach to disease management, and although still in its early stages, it “could help open up a wider range of tailored interventions for eczema and similar conditions.” It is said that

“Moisturizers and corticosteroid ointments are the mainstay of treatment, but other topical creams containing substances such as PDE-4 are also used.” [inhibitors] or calcineurin inhibitor “Things that help reduce the immune and inflammatory responses that cause eczema are becoming more common,” said Ulm, who was not involved in the study. “Typically, especially for childhood eczema, the first treatment is to rehydrate the skin to reduce dryness. However, in more severe cases, phototherapy, which inhibits enzyme activity, and JAK Treatment with inhibitors is required. janus kinaseSubcutaneous (under the skin) biologics may also be an option if they exacerbate a erroneous immune response. ”

Ulm added that vaccination is unlikely to be used as a preventive measure because eczema causes and develops differently in different people.

“Having said that, further research will show that subpopulations (perhaps genetically sensitive that make them particularly susceptible to more severe cases of eczema) may benefit from vaccine-based approaches to preventing the onset of the disease in the first place.” “It is possible that a cohort of patients with the mutation will be identified,” he said.




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