How much protein are you eating? 6 signs a nutritionist explains
Protein is one of the three macronutrients our bodies need to function and it deserves to be highly valued. Protein plays a role in supporting immune function, cellular function, tissue repair, provides energy, and transports other nutrients.
Not getting enough protein can lead to fatigue, lethargy, poor wound healing, weakened immune system and muscle weakness, registered dietitian Vandana Sheth told There's been a lot of talk lately, especially on social media, about how not getting enough protein can lead to fatigue, lethargy, poor wound healing, weakened immune system and muscle weakness.
But protein has its limits: it needs to be combined with other nutrients, and eating too much protein can mean missing out on essential nutrients.
But what happens when you eat too much protein, and how do you know if you're eating too much? Nutritionists say there are warning signs to look out for, and the consequences of ignoring them:
How much protein should you consume daily?
The amount of protein you should consume per day depends on your weight. “The recommended dietary intake is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight,” Keri Gans, R.D., Ph.D., registered dietitian and author of “The Small Change Diet,” tells “However, this is just the minimum amount you should aim for,” she points out.
You may need more protein during pregnancy, so you should get at least 1.1 grams per kilogram of body weight. Older adults should aim for 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. And for athletes, the number is even higher, at 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
Sheth adds that protein requirements vary based on your daily activities, job, health and age. “It is very important to understand your unique needs and get customised advice from a registered dietitian,” she says.
Is eating too much protein harmful?
Indeed, experts say that eating too much protein can be harmful.
First, foods high in protein, such as red meat, may increase the risk of heart disease and cancer. American Heart Association and American Cancer Society.
Secondly, too much protein can lead to kidney problems, digestive problems, dehydration And then there's weight gain, Sheth says.
Finally, protein helps you feel fuller for longer, so eating more protein will help you feel fuller longer than eating fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are too high in protein. Whole grainsAccording to Gans, it provides carbohydrates, fiber, and other important vitamins and minerals.
How many grams of protein per day is too much?
Gans says that unless your lifestyle or health condition demands it, consuming more than 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is likely too much. While this isn't a hard and fast rule, this general guideline can help you know when to look for signs of overeating.
Related: 20 easy-to-make, high-protein, low-calorie meals that will leave you feeling full
But in reality, most people don't eat sufficient Protein. It's great to have nutritious foods in your diet. High protein foodsTurkey, tuna, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu, chia seeds, etc.
If you're concerned about whether you're eating too much or too little protein, talk to a registered dietitian.
How much protein is too much for women, and what about men?
Gans said the roughly 2 gram guideline applies to both men and women.
Is 200 grams of protein a day too much?
The answer depends on your weight, age, and activity level. If you weigh less than 220 pounds, consuming 200 grams of protein a day would put you over the 2 gram daily limit. But for someone who is very active, 200 grams may be just right.
Ultimately, if you're concerned that you might be eating too much protein, consult with a registered dietitian or other health professional.
What are the symptoms of too much protein?
A nutritionist can help you determine if you're eating too much protein, but Sheth says there are some signs you can look for yourself.
- dehydration
- Urinating frequently
- hairYdney Stones
- diarrhea
- constipation
- Weight gain (because high-protein foods are often high in calories)
If, with the help of a health professional, it is determined that your protein intake is too high, your health professional will likely test your kidneys to assess their function. Going forward, aim for a more balanced diet. Look for leaner protein options and foods rich in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fats to get a healthier balance of the nutrients your body needs.
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