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Microplastics found in penises raises erectile dysfunction questions | Plastic

Microplastics found in penises raises erectile dysfunction questions | Plastic


Microplastics have been found in the penis for the first time, raising questions about their possible role in erectile dysfunction.

This exposure is due to the recent Detected in the testes and semenMale fertility has declined in recent decades, and experts say further research into the potential harm that microplastics pose to reproduction is essential.

The researchers said the increased blood flow during an erection may make the penis particularly vulnerable to microplastic pollution. eat, Drinking and Breathing And the tiny particles Detected in blood.

The study looked at tissue from five men who had undergone surgery related to erectile dysfunction. Microplastics were found in four cases, with PET and polypropylene being the most common, both of which are used in food and drink packaging and other everyday products.

Apparently Widespread contamination Microplastics stick to people's bodies, Scientists find them everywhere they look.Although the health effects are still unknown, microplastics Shown to cause damage to human cells In the lab.

The particles can cause tissue irritation in the same way that air pollution particles can, and chemicals in plastics can also cause harm. Significantly increase risk of death from stroke or heart attack In people whose arteries are contaminated with microplastics.

Millions of tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into the environment every year, much of which breaks down into microplastics that pollute the entire planet. The summit of Mount Everest To Deepest Ocean.

“The penis is a spongy organ with blood vessels so it is certainly vulnerable. During an erection, one-fifth of the body's blood volume is pumped to the penis,” said Dr Ranjith Ramasamy, who led the new study from the University of Miami in the US.

He adds: “We know that erectile dysfunction has many contributing factors. To get an erection, you need good hormones, nerves, blood supply and good smooth muscle tissue.”

“We found microplastics in the smooth muscles of the penis. All we know is that they shouldn't be there, and we suspect that it leads to smooth muscle dysfunction.”

Ramasamy said further research was urgently needed to clarify the potential role of microplastics in erectile dysfunction and male infertility. Declining for decades The low figure of 40% remains unexplained, Chemical pollution It has been Many studies have suggestedA recent mouse study found that microplastics Decreased sperm count and caused an anomaly Hormonal imbalance.

“The question of whether microplastics are present in our bodies has now shifted to whether the levels of microplastics are above those that cause pathological conditions,” Ramasamy said.

A new study published in 2014 found that IJIR: Your Journal of Sexual Medicineanalyzed tissue samples taken from five men undergoing surgery for an inflatable penile prosthesis, a treatment option for men with severe erectile dysfunction. The size of the microplastics detected ranged from 0.5mm to 0.002mm.

The researchers said the widespread spread of microplastics is alarming and it is essential to understand their potential impacts on human health.

Mr Ramasamy said: “We as a society need to realise that drinking water from plastic bottles, buying takeaway food in plastic containers or, even worse, microwaving food in plastic containers, is introducing things into our bodies that shouldn't be there – and the penis is the one organ that everyone is paying attention to.”




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