The US surgeon general visited Baltimore on Friday, urging people to wear masks, observe distances, and wash their hands to emerge the city as a new hot spot for the coronavirus.
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US surgeon Governor Jerome Adams predicted that if everyone insisted on obeying the three Ws, it would return to normal within a few weeks, regardless of the vaccine.
“No. 1, wash your hands. No. 2, look at the distance, at least 6 feet away from people and avoid crowded areas. No. 3 wear a face mask,” Adams said.
This is because the Baltimore mayor has renewed the president’s order regarding indoor rallies. This order, which took effect on Friday at 5 pm, allows the restaurant to accommodate up to 25% of the capacity, but the dining room must be closed at 10 pm. Religious facilities can be reopened with a 25% share. The same applies to retail stores, malls, casinos and other indoor recreation facilities.
Mayor Jack Young Administrative order It includes:
- Indoor diningA: The dining room of the restaurant must be closed at 10 pm The restaurant kitchen is allowed to open after 10 pm so that it can only be used for carrying and dining outdoors.
- Indoor and outdoor gatherings: Up to 25 people.
- Indoor gathering at the event venue: The upper limit is 25 people or 25%, whichever is lower. If there are multiple event spaces in the venue, the occupancy limit of 25 people/25% applies individually Each space in the venue, Unless the collective occupancy exceeds 25% of the venue.
- Religious facility: There is an upper limit only for 25% of the number of guests.
- Retail stores and malls: There is an upper limit only for 25% of the number of guests.
- Indoor recreation facility: There is an upper limit only for 25% of the number of guests.
|| Read the revised administrative order ||
Originally from Baltimore, Adams joined Dr. Letitia Dzirasa of the Baltimore City Health Commission after visiting the Coronavirus Field Hospital at the Baltimore Convention Center. “We know how to stop the spread of this disease. You don’t have to wait for a vaccine. You don’t have to wait for a miracle cure.”
The White House Coronavirus Task Force has declared Baltimore City a COVID-19 hot zone. According to city health officials, a 5.8% positive rate in Baltimore City remains above the state average. Dzirasa said tracking contacts reveals one of the reasons.
“Going to family gatherings and hosting graduation ceremonies is an environment where there is no social distance between us, a closed indoor space. We eat with people outside the home There is a possibility,” said Girasa.
“Being around the people you are involved with does not mean that you are not immune to the virus at that time, but understand that someone around you may not have the virus “Addams said.
In the midst of rising positivity rates, the city is relaxing some restrictions.
The city’s director of health, opposed to deregulation, understands the economics behind it, she said.
“We are in a tough position (of the mayor). You are certainly many local leaders who have to think about not only the health consequences, but the economic consequences of a long closure,” Dijirasa said.
Many restaurant owners appreciate it.
“I think it’s a good start. Obviously, it gives companies a choice. If it rains, you’re not going to zero,” said Patrick Durglen, owner of Avenue Kitchen.
The small restaurant has been successfully expanded outdoors.
“People are now enjoying sitting outside instead of outside thanks to this COVID-19,” said Yolanda Padilla, co-owner of Grano Pasta Bar.
As of Friday, 12,239 cases of coronavirus and 408 deaths in Baltimore, According to the Maryland Department of Health.