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U.S. government awards Moderna $176 million to develop mRNA avian flu vaccine


U.S. Government $176 million to pay Moderna to develop mRNA vaccine against pandemic influenzaThe award comes as the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 continues to circulate widely among dairy cows in the United States.

The funding will be provided through the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) as part of the new Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle (RRPV) consortium, a program designed to build partnerships with industry to help the nation prepare for and develop medical countermeasures against pandemic threats, HHS said. Said In a press release on Tuesday.

the Self-Announcement Moderna said Tuesday that it began Phase 1/2 trials of a pandemic influenza vaccine last year, including versions that target the H5 and H7 strains of the avian flu virus. The company said it expects to release results from the trials later this year, which will determine the design of a Phase 3 trial that is expected to begin in 2025.

Moderna said the funding agreement will support the late-stage development of a “pre-pandemic vaccine against H5 influenza viruses,” but the agreement also includes options for developing additional vaccines in case other public health threats emerge.

“mRNA vaccine technology offers advantages in efficacy, speed of development, scalability of production and reliability in addressing infectious disease outbreaks, as demonstrated by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said in the announcement. “We are pleased to continue our collaboration with BARDA to accelerate the development of an mRNA-based pandemic influenza vaccine and support the global public health community in preparing for a potential outbreak.”

U.S. health officials I said before It has emerged that talks are underway with Moderna and Pfizer to develop a pandemic avian influenza vaccine. This would be in addition to the standard protein-based avian influenza vaccine already in development. The Ministry of Health has said in recent weeks that it is working to manufacture 4.8 million bottles of H5 influenza vaccine over the coming months. The plans were announced three months into the H5N1 dairy outbreak, far from initial hopes of containment.

Failed response

The United States has come under fire from experts both in the United States and abroad for its botched response to the unprecedented outbreak. Genetic analysis has shown that the virus has been spreading among dairy cows in the country since late last year. But A few months later, on March 25thLast year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture identified the first four infected herds in two states, Texas and Kansas. Since then, the infection has spread to about 140 herds in at least 12 states.

Some farms are refusing to be tested, experts say Many unrecorded outbreaks occurespecially, Widespread detection The concentration of inactivated H5N1 in the commercial milk supply. Additionally, federal officials do not know how many of the 140 infected herds are still infected rather than recovered. It is unclear whether infected cows can become reinfected and, if so, how quickly they can become reinfected after infection.

The risk to the general public Currently, this is considered low, Farm workers are at high risk for infection. There have been three confirmed cases among dairy workers to date, one of which is Texas and two in MichiganThe U.S. government has mounted an unparalleled response to the outbreak, but so far only 53 farmworkers nationwide have been tested for H5 influenza, even though hundreds, if not thousands, of them are at risk of contracting the virus.




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