Walking can help with back pain. Here's how to get the most out of this exercise.
if you Millions of people around the world If you are suffering from back pain, it might be a good idea to go for a walk.
Numerous studies Walking has been shown to have many benefits Relief of lower back painAnd there is Recent ResearchSimply walking three times a week can significantly reduce discomfort for people suffering from lower back pain, improving their spinal health and quality of life.
Walking is helpful for several reasons.
First, walking improves blood circulation. More oxygen and nutrients Getting blood circulating to the spine and surrounding muscles reduces inflammation and speeds healing. Damaged tissuemight help Reduces back pain.
Secondly, regular walking is Strengthen your core muscles This includes the muscles in your lower back, abdomen, pelvis, etc. A stronger core will provide better support for your spine, reducing strain on your lower back and easing pain.
according to A studyStrengthening your core muscles through walking can significantly reduce pain and improve spinal stability.
Walking activates the glutes, which are important stabilizing muscles in the back, pelvis, and abdomen. Sitting can Changes in muscle and joint function Your muscles may become weaker. Walking requires an upright posture, which uses muscles that are underused when sitting. This is thought to reduce lower back pain and strengthen important gluteal muscles.
In addition to this, walking promotes gentle movement of the spine and hips, increasing flexibility and preventing stiffness. And unlike more dynamic activities like running, walking Less stress On the body.
The improvement in mobility is Healthy Range of Motion Reduce risk Muscle imbalances It may cause back pain.
Regular walking, of course, improves your posture by keeping your spine straight and maintaining good posture. Good posture reduces strain on your lower back and helps prevent pain caused by: MisalignmentThan Upright posture It has also been shown that they experience less stress than people who slouch when walking.
Finally, walking stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. These chemicals help reduce pain perception and improve overall mood, which can be beneficial for those who suffer from chronic back pain.
One study found that walking stimulates the brain, Serotonin and endorphins – Reduce pain and improve mood.
Start walking
If you have mild back pain and would like to try walking, here are some things to keep in mind to get the most out of your walking:
1. Start slowly
Start with short 10-15 minute walks and gradually increase the distance and intensity as you get stronger. This will help you avoid overexerting yourself and allow your body to adapt. You can also adjust your daily activities to fit in more walking, for example by parking further away from your destination.
2. Maintain good posture
As you walk, focus on maintaining an upright posture. Avoid slouching or leaning forward. Keep your head up and shoulders back to engage your core muscles. When carrying a load, use both backpack straps or alternate hands to distribute the weight evenly.
3. Choose the right footwear
Wear comfortable, supportive shoes with cushioning and arch support. Proper footwear absorbs shock and Mitigate the impact At the lower back.
4. Walk on flat ground
Choose a flat, even surface, such as a paved road, track, or treadmill. Uneven terrain increases the risk of falls and fatigue, as well as It puts strain on the lower back.
5. Warm up and cool down
Start your walk with a 5-10 minute warm-up. Even a slow, gentle walk can Dynamic Stretching Prepare your muscles: Similarly, end your walk with a cool-down period that includes stretches that target your lower back, hamstrings, and hip flexors to increase flexibility and prevent stiffness.
6. Be consistent
Aim to walk at least three times a week. Long-term relief From back pain.
7. Vary your routine
Keep your training plan interesting and challenging by incorporating different types of walking. Try brisk walking, interval walking (varying your walking speed – 30 seconds brisk walking followed by 30 seconds slow walking) or go on a hike to work different muscle groups and improve your strength.
8. Track your progress
Before and after each session, record your walking duration, intensity and how your back feels. Monitoring your progress helps you identify patterns, set goals and stay motivated.
9. Stay hydrated
To stay hydrated, drink plenty of water before, during and after your walk. Proper hydration: Muscle function And overall health.
10. Listen to your body
Pay attention to how your body responds to walking. If you experience a sudden increase in pain or discomfort, modify your routine or consult your doctor. As with any exercise, you may feel some mild pain at first until your body gets used to the new routine.
Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that anyone can do, anywhere, and following this advice can help you get the most out of your walking, which could lead to a healthier, pain-free life.
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